So Long, Farewell {Chapter 25}

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Everyone was making sure they were ready to go and would pass the final inspection. I wasn't packing and I was mostly just in the way, so I went outside.

    I walked down to the beach to feel the sea air, since it always seemed to calm me.

    "Hey, Silena," Luke said behind me.

    "Hi, Luke," I said, turning to look at him.

    My eyes shifted down to where his sword hung. It was a new sword but it wasn't normal celestial bronze. It was..

    "New sword?" I asked.

    He pulled it out of his sheath. "Yep. Backbiter. Celestial bronze and iron. Works on mortals and immortals."

    "You are going to hurt mortals?"

    He looked at me, reminding me of our cause.

    "It's going to help Kronos rise. Right. But you aren't just going to murder them, right?" I asked.

    "Of course not, Silena. I don't want to just murder anyone. Only if someone constantly gets in my way." Luke reassured me. He paused. "It's happening today, by the way. The death of Percy. It's the best opportunity. Everyone is leaving and no-one will know until it's too late. Honestly, I kinda hate to do it, but he's too strong. He's bound to either figure us out and stop us before we got close or defeat us with his stupid water powers. We can't take that chance."

    I looked at him. Same as before, I didn't want Percy to die but I guess I was starting to see more clearly why he needed to. It wasn't ideal, but it was what had to be done for Kronos to come back.

    "I have to go now. But it will happen somewhere by the creek. Maybe about an hour. Hide in the trees and you can watch. We'll meet after."

    I nodded and watched as he walked off. I was shivering despite the warm weather. As I walked back toward my cabin, I had to keep reminding myself that it had to happen. It had to happen.

    Most of my siblings were having Argus bring their expensive Gucci and Rimowa bags up Half-Blood Hill where the bus waited to take them to the airport. It was kinda sad how few of my siblings were staying. I don't often get along with most of them since I do care more about other stuff than make-up most of the time but I was still going to miss having all of them with me. Jade, Lacy, Mitchell, and another sister named Chloe were all who were staying. Poor Mitchell was going to be all alone on his side.


I was waiting behind the trees, mostly sure I was hidden well. I had attempted to darken my skin tone a bit with magic to not have my skin stand out as much. If something went wrong and Percy didn't die and he happened to see me, how would I spy?

    Soon, Luke and Percy appeared. They started kicking the dirt and walking around in weird circles for reasons I could not figure out. Must be a boy thing. Eventually they sat down and drank canned coke, I guess from the Hermes's cabin storeroom.

    I had begun to zone out when Luke started speaking.

    "You miss being on a quest?"

    Percy laughed half heartedly. "With monsters attacking me every three feet? Are you kidding?"

    Luke looked at him sceptically.

    "Yeah, I miss it. You?"

    I saw something move in the corner of my eye. A flash of red and black. I quietly walked over to where she was hiding.

    "Gemma!" I whispered. "What are you doing here? You shouldn't be here."

    She crossed her arms. "Then why are you here?"

Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief - Silena Beauregard's POV -Where stories live. Discover now