Everyone Here is a Myth {Chapter 14}

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"Apollo cabin!" Chiron announced later at the sing along. "Start with the songs."

We laughed and sang our campfire songs as the flames rose higher and higher. This was one of my favourite parts of camp. The entire camp was just singing and having fun together. It's amazing how much fun we have when we aren't letting our parents' rivalries get in the way of our relationships.

"Okay, okay," Chiron said as we finished the fourth song. "Now I have an announcement to make."

Everyone suddenly started focusing on Chiron trying to guess what he would say.

"I'm sure you have all heard the rumours of the war between Zeus and Poseidon," Chiron began. I could have sworn he was staring straight at where my cabin and I were sitting. "And I am going to be straight with you. Poseidon and Zeus are on the brink of a war." Of course, everyone already knew this probably all because of my gossiping siblings.

"Now, no need to panic! We are going to continue our training and do our daily activities just as-"

"But Chiron," Mark, son of Ares, interrupted. "If there is a war, and might I say, a once in a lifetime war, don't sides need to be picked? We have to choose who we are going to fight for!" A chorus of agreements sounded. Everyone started talking over each other.

"We're backing Poseidon!" I heard an Ares kid shout.

"Our cabin will side with Zeus!" Malcolm announced.

The Demeter kids were all talking to each other trying to figure out who they would pick. Actually a lot of cabins were doing that.

"Enough, enough!" Chiron shouted. "We do not need to pick sides. I guess you and your cabin can decide who you would back but we are not changing how we do things here." He paused. "And maybe instead of hoping for a war, start praying that Zeus and Poseidon work it out," he suggested, staring straight at the Ares kids.

"But this is a once in a lifetime war!" an Ares kid shouted. "And fighting in a civil war is on my bucket list."

"That may be but still. Not everyone here has a death wish," Chiron answered.

"I don't have a death wish, I have a real-world-fighting wish," he retorted.

Chiron sighed. "How about we end the campfire early tonight and sleep on it." People started protesting immediately. "AND in the morning we will continue our normal routines and we will pretend that this war isn't happening."

"Kinda hard to pretend it's not happening when there's black thunder clouds and crazy waves," an Apollo kid near me said quietly.

Chiron looked up at him but didn't say anything. "Good night campers."

Chiron walked over to Mr D and started talking to him. Probably about the oncoming war.

We all grumpily started filing out of the amphitheatre and that's when the fighting started.

An Ares kid bumped into an Athena kid. I don't know if it was on purpose or by accident. My guess would be on purpose but I don't really know.

"Hey! Watch it," the Athena boy, Mika said.

"You watch it, idiot," the Ares kid, Eleanor said.

Everyone knew this would turn out interesting so we all backed away and watched in anticipation, waiting to see what would happen.

"Well, I actually am very smart. But I don't have to be smart to know that you're blind."

"Oh really? You are the blind one, backing Zeus instead of Poseidon."

"Zeus is the most powerful. I would say you're a moron for not picking him."

"Oh come on. Poseidon's the most powerful. Tsunamis can wipe out an entire island and create an earthquake that hits loads of countries," Eleanor retorted

"Zeus controls the skies, he can smite you with just pointing at you."

"I'm pretty sure that's a myth."

"You're a myth. Everyone here is a myth," Mika said smugly.

"Well, that's a myth myth. We're a real myth."

"That doesn't even make sense."

"Your existence doesn't make sense!"

"Oh, you want to go there? You are just asking for a fight! "

"What do you think I'm the daughter of? I'm the daughter of war, not the daughter of cowards. Although I suspect you are."

"Me? A coward? Never!"

"Hey, hey, hey!" Chiron cut in as he cantered over to us.  "Cut it out!"

"Wasn't my fault. She started it first," Eleanor blamed.

"You bumped me first!" Mika exclaimed.

"It was an accident, you moron."

"Stop this argument and go to your cabins! Or you will face the consequences!"

Eleanor rolled her eyes and went to her siblings as they started walking to their cabin. Everyone else slowly dispersed on their way to their own cabins. I saw Will talking to his cabin but then he walked over to Clarisse. He said something to her and she smiled. I waved my arms to get Clarisse's attention after Will walked away and she looked at me. I mouthed, "What did he say?" and she told me to wait until tomorrow.

I really hoped that Will had said that they will side with Poseidon. Oh wait. I need to talk to Luke and see who he is siding with. Ugh. Life is so complicated.

We got to our cabin and I plopped down on my bed. "Lights out," I said. I was too tired to do my beauty routine but my siblings objected.

"What about our routines? I can't go to bed yet!" I heard them complain.

"Fine, fine, fine! Just be quiet and go to bed soon," I said sleepily.

I noticed they actually did start making an effort to be quiet which I was surprised by, but I fell asleep pretty fast.


**author's note**

uhh yea so i was like wouldn't it be funny if someone's bucket list is to fight in a war? i mean that can't happen irl right...? yea i totally forgot about my friend.. or crush.. or bf... well ignore my relation to this guy, but eugene like rlly wants to be in the military when he grows up so uhhh. anyways, both eugene and pierre used to always talk about war like aircrafts in war and boats and guns and i was just there nodding to what they were saying even tho i didn't know anything about that kind of stuff wkwkwk

- Gem

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