Capture the Flag {Chapter 7}

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On the Friday of the week Percy arrived, was capture the flag. After dinner there was a lot of excitement since it was finally time to play. The dishes were cleared from the tables and we stood as the conch horn sounded.

Campers cheered as Annabeth and two of her siblings ran into the pavilion carrying a silk banner. It was about ten feet long, shimmering grey, with a painting of an owl above an olive tree. From the other side of the pavilion, Clarisse and her siblings ran in with another banner, of the same size, but bloody red, painted with a bloody spear and a boar's head.

The Athena and Ares cabins almost always lead the two teams. The Athena cabin had allied with the two largest cabins, Apollo and Hermes. Everyone else was with Ares: Demeter, Dionysus, Hephaestus, Aphrodite.

""Heroes!" Chiron yelled. "You know the rules. The creek is the boundary line. The entire forest is fair game. All magic items are allowed. The banner must be prominently displayed, and have no more than two guards. Prisoners may be disarmed, but may not be bound or gagged. No killing or maiming is allowed. I will serve as referee and battlefield medic. Arm yourselves!"

He opened his arms and the tables were filled suddenly with all kinds of armour and weapons. Everyone on the Ares side put on the helmets with the red plumes while the Athena team used the ones with blue plumes.

"Blue team, forward!" Annabeth ordered.

"Red team, march!" Clarisse called.

The Ares team walked towards the North end of the woods and most of our team taunted the blue team. The blue team headed towards the South end of the woods. We got to our end and Clarisse placed the flag in the ground.

"Zach, Beckendorf," she ordered. "Guard the flag." She walked over to Gemma and whispered something in her ear. She gave more orders to the others and Jade ended up being a border patrol. I motioned to Clarisse that I wanted to be with Jade. She nodded and told me to be on the border patrol.

"Come on, Jade," I said. As we got to the creek I heard the conch horn blow in the distance. I heard yells and the sound of metal hitting metal. I pulled Jade closer to the creek and I saw Percy Jackson. Apparently he got border patrol, too. Why did Annabeth put him here? He has so much power. He would be a lot of help. Jade started trying to walk towards him. I held her back.

She glared at me. "Aren't we supposed to patrol the border? Anyone near the border we destroy!"

"Not quite 'destroy', sweetie. But I want to see how he fights." I said. "Please, leave him there. For me?"

She didn't look happy about it but she agreed.

A guy I recognised from the Apollo cabin ran past us before we could even blink. Jade looked at me.

"He's too far away now, but we'll get the next one," I whispered, pointing out a guy with a blue plume creeping towards us. I don't think he saw us but even if he did, he didn't get the chance to fight us. Suddenly five of the Ares kids, including Clarisse and Gemma, came out of nowhere yelling and screaming.

"Cream the punk!" Clarisse yelled.

She was holding her spear which crackled with electricity. One touch from that weapon and you would be electrocuted. Her siblings all had standard swords like a lot of the campers had. They charged across the creek towards Percy. I wanted to do something to help since I knew Clarisse would maim him even though the rules were against it. Still, I was on her team so I couldn't.

"Should we help them?" Jade asked me.

"I think Percy has enough people to fight," I replied. "Besides, our job is to make sure no one gets through."

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