Achievement: Trust Gained {Chapter 17}

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At breakfast the next morning, Chiron announced that we would be continuing our training but on our own time. When he was asked why, he said that many of the satyr and dryad instructors were too panicked to teach their classes so it was just easier if everyone would self-train.

"But," Chiron continued. "Not having a formally taught class does not mean you are allowed to slack off. I still expect you to continue your training so that you all improve in your skills. I will also be staying around here to supervise and make sure fights don't happen."

Most of the campers nodded their heads and turned back to their plates and continued eating.

After breakfast, everyone went to various activities while casting dark looks towards other cabins. I saw the Hermes cabin walk towards the footracing path so I brought my cabin in the opposite direction to the coast. I didn't feel like talking to Luke. It would be so awkward after how I slipped up last night. I knew I would have to talk to him eventually but I didn't want to rush the encounter.
    At around 4:00 that afternoon, my siblings and I were at the beach, just lounging around. I was looking out towards the Sound when I felt someone tap me on my shoulder. I jumped up and spun around, slapping whoever it was behind me. I didn't mean to slap them, but my reflexes kicked in.

    I looked and saw Luke standing there, his hand on his nose.

    "Oh my gosh. I am so sorry. I didn't mean to do that," I apologised quickly.

    "It's fine," he said, grunting softly. "It doesn't really hurt. I was more surprised than anything."

    "Sorry," I said again.

    "Really it's fine," he assured me. "Your reflexes have gotten better."

    "Thanks but are you sure you're okay?"

    "Silena, I assure you I am fine."

    I got the feeling he was starting to get annoyed with my apologies so I stopped. "So what do you need?"

    "I wanted to talk to you."

    "That's a first. Usually I am the one that needs to talk to you."

    "True, but we shouldn't talk here. Your siblings are too nosy," he said under his breath.

    I looked away from Luke towards my siblings and saw them all quickly turn their heads.

    "Yeah, we shouldn't talk here," I said.

    "Come with me," Luke said, gesturing to follow him.

    He grabbed my arm as we began walking in the direction of Half-Blood Hill, I was aware of my siblings staring at us. I knew they would ask questions later and I was dreading it. But Luke wanted to speak with me and honestly that made me excited.

    Then my mind went back to the reason I had been avoiding him all day. I felt my cheeks burn red and I looked away from Luke so that he wouldn't see.

    After I felt like the redness had gone away, I turned to him and asked, "So, what did you want to talk to me about?"

    He didn't answer me until we reached the top of the hill. "Well, about last night-"

"I really didn't mean to hug you, I-" I tried to say.

    "Silena, it's fine," he said softly. "I get why you did it. You were happy to be away from the harpies, right?"

Gods, how can he read emotions so easily?

"Yeah," I answered.

He took my hand in his. "You did great. You know, distracting that harpy. It was a good idea."

Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief - Silena Beauregard's POV -Where stories live. Discover now