A Fight that Created Suspicion {Chapter 6}

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As I finished with the lessons, I told everyone to follow me. We walked the pegasus back to the stables but when we got there, Chiron and Percy were standing there. I told everyone to put their pegasus away and I walked over to Chiron.

"Hey, Chiron. Hi, Percy," I said.

"Does everyone know me?" Percy mumbled. He had sea-green eyes which just made me even more positive he was a child of a certain Big Three.

"Percy," Chiron began. "This young lady, along with Annabeth, helped you get better."

"Oh, thanks," he said.

"No problem," I replied. "So.... are you giving him the tour?" I asked Chiron.

"Yes, I am. Aren't you in the middle of lessons?"

"Just finished."

"What did you teach today?"

"How to dive while landing gracefully."

"Of course that is something you would teach," he said with a smile.

"You know me too well, Chiron," I smiled back.

"Can I just ask what your name is?" Percy asked.

"Oh, I apologise, Percy." Chiron said. "This is Silena Beauregard, head counsellor of the Aphrodite cabin."

"Aphrodite? Oh. Goddess of love, right?"

"Yep," I answered.

"Silena!" Someone inside the stables called.

"Sorry, got to go," I said to Percy and Chiron.

"See you later, Silena," Chiron called after me as I ran into the stables.

"What is it?" I asked them.

A girl from the Apollo cabin, Phoenix, responded. "The pegasus doesn't like my music!" she complained. Of course that's what was wrong. Apollo kids and their music.

"What were you playing?" I asked her.

"Pegasus Flies," she replied.

"Well, maybe he's tired and doesn't want to fly anymore," I said with a shrug.

"Maybe...." she said, though she didn't look very convinced. Her friends pulled her off to go to their next activity and I walked over to the pegasus.

"You're Spark, right?" I asked him. He winneyed so I assumed that I was correct. "Sorry that you had to listen to her music. I know songs like that make you feel the need to fly. And I know you are tired." He winneyed again. "See you later, Spark," I called out as I walked out of the stables.

I started towards my cabin but stopped a bit before I got to the courtyard around the cabins. My stomach was growling from skipping breakfast to see Percy this morning. I noticed Annabeth and Percy talking and by the looks on their faces, I assumed she was trying to tell him that he was a halfblood. It isn't easy to learn that you are a halfblood, but if you are at camp, you need to know at some point. They had stopped talking and Percy had his mouth hanging open.

"Well! A newbie!" Clarisse called out, walking over towards them with Gemma and a few other Ares girls behind her. This would not turn out well.

"Clarisse, why don't you go polish your spear or something?" Annabeth sighed.

"Sure, Miss Princess, so I can run you through with it Friday night." Clarisse laughed.

"Erre es korakas!" Annabeth said. It is Greek for "go to the crows." It may not sound like a very good curse but it is worse than it sounds. "You don't stand a chance."

Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief - Silena Beauregard's POV -Where stories live. Discover now