The New Arrival {Chapter 3}

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Over the next few days, the sky started turning darker grey and the ocean became more restless. The magical borders around camp make it where we can control what weather comes in. Still, since the Winter Solstice, the weather has been acting weird. At the Winter Solstice, the year-round campers took a field trip to Olympus. Everything was fine until we left and the cloud turned grey as thunder rumbled loudly. The sea and the sky seem to be at war with each other. Meaning, Zeus and Poseidon must be fighting. If they start fighting, the gods will all choose sides. A war between the gods will end in a lot of damage.

Is this part of Luke's plan? Is this one way he is going to help Kronos rise? But what could Luke do that would make Zeus and Poseidon fight? I know Luke is a good fighter and a good talker but how would that help him create a fight between two of the most powerful gods? This doesn't make sense. Ugh! I have so many questions about Kronos, Luke, Olympus... How am I ever going to find the answer to them?

Jade came up to me interrupting my thoughts. "Hey, um, thanks for.... introducing me to Gemma. She is a pretty great friend."

"Awwww, you're welcome, sweetie. I'm glad she is." Even if they acted weird at first, I'm glad they have hit it off. The conch horn blew signalling time for the campfire so we headed over to the ampitheatre. When we got there, I scanned the crowd for Luke. Our eyes met and he nodded at me. I looked around at all the people I was supposedly creating a better world for. I thought about the bracelet and how that bracelet was the way Olympus would fall. How could I be in charge of such an important item?

"Apollo cabin!" Chiron yelled. "Lead us in the sing-a-longs." We sang songs like The Centaur's Pyjamas, What Happened to Mrs Medusa (Luke didn't sing during this one), and All Around Olympus. You have probably never heard of these but these are very popular at camp. As we sang, the flames of the campfire rose and changed colour depending on the mood.

"Okay, okay. It's off to bed, campers," Chiron said. As we filed out of the ampitheatre, I searched for Luke, hoping to ask him why he didn't like the Mrs Medusa song. I saw him and called out, "Luke!" He spun around on his heels and looked at me. I walked over to him as he just stared at me.

"Hey, I noticed you kinda cringed a bit at the Mrs Medusa song. What was that about?" I asked.

"Ummm, well... My mom used to have this Medusa doll that she called Mrs Medusa. Anything really associated with my mom makes me... well, not happy." He replied with a frown.

"Oh, sorry," I said. I had known that he really didn't have a very good relationship with his mom. I mean, a lot of half-bloods don't have good relationships with their mortal parents. Or their godly parents for that matter. But I didn't mean to bring up such a painful subject for him. He walked into his cabin as I looked away guiltily. I herded my cabin inside and told them to get ready for bed. But then I heard something. Like a roar. It was very quiet but still.

"I think I forgot something at the amphitheatre," I lied to my siblings.

Lacy, one of my sisters, replied, "Just make sure you're not out too long after curfew. You don't want to get eaten by the harpies."

"I'll be back. Don't worry," I said with a smile. As soon as I closed the door behind me, I ran to Half-Blood Hill since the sound seemed to come from that way. I noticed that outside of the borders it had started raining, so I made the decision to stay inside the borders and not venture outside of them. As I passed the Big House, I was careful to stay out of the light since I didn't want Chiron to see me. When I approached Thalia's tree, I pulled out my dagger. I didn't know what was over the hill but I wanted to be prepared.

When I got to the top of the hill, I saw Grover, one of our satyr friends, passed out beside a boy, maybe about my age, about twelve years old, fighting the minotaur. He had dark hair but that was really all I could make out in the dark with the rain. There was also a woman standing there but before I knew it, she was grabbed by the minotaur and turned into shimmering gold. I had never seen that happen before. As I watched, the charm on my bracelet felt warm against my skin. I wondered if this was important enough for Luke to be watching.

The minotaur looked towards Grover and the boy tore off his rain jacket, waved it in the air and yelled, "Hey! Hey, stupid! Ground beef!" Okay, he needed training. What sane person would say that to the minotaur!? He then did something even more stupid. As the minotaur charged, he jumped over it and onto its back. The minotaur slung him around and tried to get him off but the boy was holding on pretty well. He grabbed onto one of the horns and pulled and he just pulled it off!

"Raaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!" the minotaur yelled. It charged at the boy but he rolled to the side. In anger, it clawed at its chest and began to disintegrate the way all monsters do. They turn into a pile of dust. I guess I should have helped him but I was too mesmerised by his fighting. And it's not like I'm that good at fighting either.

The rain had stopped and the boy looked like he was about to pass out. But he walked to Grover and pulled him along as he walked over to the Big House. He was crying and calling out, "Mom!" I wondered if the woman who had disappeared was his mom. As he got closer to the lit up house, Chiron and Annabeth (why was she out at this time?) came out and Annabeth said something like, "He's... one. He must..." She was too far away for me to hear well. Chiron told her to be quiet, said something to her, and then they brought the boy inside.

I walked back to my cabin, dizzy from what I just witnessed. Who was that boy? For not having any training, he fought pretty well. And even if his fighting wasn't how we would fight, it worked for him. He definitely radiated a lot of power, Big Three power even. (The Big Three are the sons of Kronos; Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades). But it was impossible. After WWII, they swore to not have anymore demigod children because their children had caused the war. It was Poseidon and Zeus's kids against Hades kids. So anyway, they haven't had kids since then except for Thalia.... If Zeus broke his promise, who's to say that the others didn't break their's? Still, if he is a child of the Big Three, we could be in a lot of trouble.

I entered my cabin quietly since I didn't want to wake anyone. Unfortunately, Jade was still awake. I didn't want her asking questions about what just happened.

"Did you find it?" She asked me.

"Find what?" I replied. I was just going to investigate the sound... oh wait the amphitheatre. "Oh yeah, it wasn't there."

She looked at me but in the dim light, I couldn't see her expression. Still, I had a feeling she didn't believe me. I mean, she had a reason to not believe me. What I was saying wasn't true. I walked over to my bunk and layed down. I was hoping to get a good rest but with demigods that rarely happened. As I drifted off to sleep I had a nightmare.


**author's note**

hi hi! so it's my challenge to open up the author's note with something different every time. wish me luck on that. as always, pls tell us what u think about this chapter!

- Gem

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