The Secrets in the Forest {Chapter 16}

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I stepped inside and was happy to see that no one else was in my cabin meaning I would be able to have time to think things over. I plopped down on my bed.

So what all has happened these last couple of weeks? I was recruited to become a spy for the titans, war has started brewing between Poseidon and Zeus, a child of the Big Three came to camp, Percy and Annabeth and Grover went on a quest to find Zeus's master bolt, Percy fought the furies, Medusa, and blew up the arch. Is that everything? And to think all of that happened in the past two weeks.

My mind wandered back to Luke and the news he had just showed me. I wondered what monster Percy had to fight that would end up blowing up the Arch. Wait a minute. How had Luke known which channels to go to in order to watch what was happening? And how had he known ahead of time what was happening at the Arch? Those reports were live. There was no logical way Luke could have known. Then again, when there are deities ruling over everything, what even is logic? But still. Who told him? I need to ask him that. And I forgot to ask what side he is siding with.

I stood up from my bed and walked out the door, hoping to find Luke and ask him my other questions. I paused beside Hestia's hearth, wondering if I would be bothering Luke. Then I remembered that Luke had told me to come to him anytime if I had questions. So I walked on. I knocked on the door of cabin eleven assuming that Luke was still there.

The door opened but it was Connor and Travis, not Luke.

"Hey Silena. Whatcha doing here?" Connor asked me.

"I'm looking for Luke. Have you seen him?"

The boys turned to each other and nodded. They looked back at me and started acting like the immature boys that they are. They began making faces like they were kissing an invisible person. Why did they have to act so childish? I mean sure, I was in love with Luke but I didn't need everyone knowing that. Least of all the Stoll boys.

"Guys stop! I am not in love with Luke. Can't I just talk to a guy without being in love with them?"

"Not when you are a child of the love goddess," Travis replied.

The boys kept trying to make fun of me but they were laughing too hard now to do anything.

I tried protesting, but Connor interjected between his laughing, "You are so obviously in love. You are blushing so bad right now." 

"What's going on over here?" Eugene Knight asked as he and his twin, Pierre, walked over toward us. Eugene and Pierre Knight are twin boys of Hermes. Although they are twins, they look nothing alike. Eugene looks more like Hermes while Pierre looks more like their Korean mother. You know, when I think about it, I never really see them around. Unlike the Stoll brothers, the Knight twins aren't really that famous around here.

"Ooh! Is it the? Y'know?" Pierre excitedly answered.

The Stolls smiled and looked from them to me.

"Oh, for your information Silena. It's obvious," Pierre said.

"Wait, you told them? The least you can do is keep it to yourself," I said to the Stolls.

"Oh, no, they told us," Travis answered.

"Hey, keep it down," Eugene reminded Travis.

I wondered what that meant but I really want to speak to Luke before curfew. "Guys, please. Do any of you know where Luke is?"

"Yeah, I do," Eugene said. "Pierre and I will take you to him."

"We will?" Pierre asked. Eugene nudged him. "Yes... we will take you to him."

I assumed that something was going on but I really wanted to speak with Luke.

"Follow us," Pierre said, pulling Eugene and walking away.

Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief - Silena Beauregard's POV -Where stories live. Discover now