An Ambivalent Dilemma {Chapter 24}

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It took a while for everyone to lower their guard even a little bit. Chiron set up a guard group around the borders. There was no rain but it was thundering constantly and the sky was dark. The waves were crashing into shore loudly also.

    It was impossible to know what time it was. It felt really late but it hadn't been that long since the attack this morning. Right?

    I went to the Big House to check the time since that was closer than my cabin. As I walked in I saw the big clock: 3:25.

    "-need to get up to Olympus for the council meeting. Stupid boy for stealing the stupid bolt." I heard someone say. Based on the attitude it was probably Mr D.

    "You must know as well as I do that Percy did not steal anything. He had no idea who he was until a month ago. There's no way that he could have stolen the bolt on the Winter Solstice." Chiron's voice said.

    "Sure, sure. Now I need to go." And with that there was a bright flash which must have been Dionysus turning into his godly form.

    How could Mr D blame Percy for stealing the bolt? Percy is trying to retrieve the bolt. I heard the squeak of Chiron's wheelchair. I ran out the door, trying to close it as quietly as possible.

    As I stopped running, I realised I had ended up towards Thalia's tree. I looked out over the other side of the border. What was that? A large wisp of smoke? There was no fire so that wasn't it. The Grey Sisters' taxi! Wait, but who's coming to camp? Is it Percy and them? But they can't be coming back to camp. They have to bring the bolt to Olympus.

    The taxi was suddenly right in front of me and I stumbled backwards. Annabeth and Grover stepped out with surprised faces. Probably from seeing me. Or maybe it was the ride. The Grey Sisters aren't exactly known for calm rides.

    "Silena!" Annabeth said, looking at me and then behind me towards the camp. "What's happening right now?"

    "Right now, nothing really. Earlier there was an attack though."

    "Annabeth! Grover!" Luke exclaimed, running up behind me. "You're here and safe!"

Luke looked around, "Where's Percy?"

    "He's on his way to Olympus with the bolt." Grover said happily.

    I glanced over at Luke. A grimace surfaced on his face but I don't think anyone else noticed. He hid it well.

    "That's great!" Luke said, his smile showing plainly again. "We should probably go show Chiron that you guys are back."

    Annabeth was staring at him but suddenly seemed to realise what he said and nodded.


At the Big House, Chiron was looking relieved to see Annabeth and Grover safe. It probably would have been more polite for me and Luke to leave but we didn't. They told Chiron about their quest; most of which I had already known. They apparently risked Percy's life by flying back to New York. They were lucky Zeus didn't blast them out of the sky for Percy entering Zeus's domain as a son of Poseidon.

    As they finished up, Chiron's face was the same as it's been a lot recently; worry-stricken.

He nodded. "You should go and get some rest. I'm sure you're exhausted."

"Do you think anyone is actually going to let them rest, though?" Luke asked. "They are all going to have a lot of questions about what happened."

"Well, we will have to make due. You are right, Luke, as always." Chiron said, smiling.


The rest of the day flew by. Everyone was excited to see Annabeth and Grover. And, as Luke predicted, they were swarmed and asked tons of questions. I tried to stay away. Grover was stress-eating anything he got his hands on.

But it got all the more crazy once Percy got back. It was clear that he had succeeded before he got back, though, because the sky had cleared and the thundering stopped. Everyone cheered when he showed up that night at the border. I could barely hear myself think. Percy looked exhausted but happy. I could tell Luke was frustrated but he was hiding it well. He congratulated Percy with a huge smile.

Later there was a big feast where the trio took their burial shrouds that had been made in case they didn't return, and burned them. Annabeth's was beautiful silver with owls covering it. Percy's was made by the Ares cabin and it was clear that they were still upset about Percy beating their dad. I had tried to convince Clarisse to not write 'loser' on it at least but she wouldn't listen. Ares is very serious about grudges.

The rest of the night was great with sing-alongs and an announcement that Grover qualified for a searcher's licence. He would join many other satyrs in their quest for the lost nature god, Pan. He has wanted to for so long and most of the campers cheered like crazy when it was announced.

On the Fourth of July, we did our annual firework display, created by the Hephaestus cabin. Though mortals have a totally different idea of fireworks. These aren't just fireworks that explode into their usual simple shape. These fireworks are so precise that they create animations across the sky. They told stories of famous demigods and heroes. Some ancient, some modern. Jason, Apollo, Amelia Earhart (daughter of Zeus, by the way).

The rest of the summer went mostly back to normal, except for the fact that Percy, Annabeth, and Grover were talked about constantly and treated as, well, gods. Well actually, Grover had left to begin his quest for Pan, but the satyrs and dryads still talked of him like crazy. Not that the campers don't, but the nature spirits love having someone important with them.

Many of my siblings began packing up to go back home to their families for the rest of the year. I stay year-round, sometimes going back to my home for a week or so, but not often. It does get a lot quieter around camp since most of the campers go home but I like that it's peaceful, unlike the Village where my dad lives.

I was still very excited when Jade decided that she was staying. She didn't have a good relationship with her dad anyway, and I was glad to be able to stay with her longer. She always seems to cheer me up. And it amazes me how smart she is for an almost eight-year-old. But yeah, anyway, she's staying and apparently Gemma is staying too, so Clarisse will be happy. And if she's not mad (or happy about torturing someone), everyone is happy.


**author's note**

just wanted to check in with yall again. how r u? anything bothering u rn? hope everythings going well :)

- Gem

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