you have a dream that she cheats on you (requested)

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You lifted your head as soon as you heard the sound of footsteps approaching the hotel room.

You began to bite your lip in anticipation as you waited for it to open.

You've spent the last little while sitting here, waiting impatiently in Chaeryeong's hotel room for her to come back.

She's out with the girls, all of them except for Lia, who faked feeling unwell so she could let you into Chaeryeong's hotel room.

She's the only one that knows you'll be here.

Your visit to see Chaeryeong is a complete surprise to everyone else.

The second you heard your girlfriend giggling outside the hotel room door, your heart started to race.

This was it.

Finally, the distance was going to be broken.

You were finally going to get to reunite with your girl at last.

But then your heart dropped.

Because the moment the door opened, you were met with the sight of Chaeryeong and some random girl making out.

Chaeryeong was so lost in this girl that she didn't even notice that you were there.

They just continued to passionately kiss while your entire world fell apart.

Suddenly, something strange began to happen, though.

You heard Chaeryeong saying your name despite still locking lips with this random girl.

But you quickly realized that's because it wasn't real.

Chaeryeong shook you awake, repeatedly saying your name to try and get you to open your eyes and snap out of this bad dream you were having.

"Y/N! Wake up, Y/N!"

Chaeryeong felt a rush of relief upon seeing your eyes fly open.

A gasp fell from your lips as you sat up against the pillows, looking at her with wide eyes as you tried to catch your breath.

Beads of sweat rolled down your skin, tears were staining your cheeks, your heart was pounding against your chest, and you felt so overwhelmed by what had just happened.

"What were you dreaming about, my love? Are you okay? You were freaking out next to me."

She tried to gently cup your cheeks so she could wipe away your tears but you just pushed her away.


"You cheated on me!"

She frowned and gazed at you in disbelief.

"What? Cheated on you? I would never do that to you."

"I saw it. In my dream."

She breathed out a sad sigh as you hung your head and brushed your fingers through your hair.

"I'm sorry. I know it was just a dream. I just felt so scared. I saw you kissing another girl as you entered your hotel room. I was waiting there. It felt like my whole world was crumbling around me. It was scary."

"Baby, that's never going to happen."

You lifted your head and met her soft brown eyes as she gently took your hands into hers.

"I know that must've been a scary dream. But please believe it when I tell you that a scary dream is all it will ever be. You're my one and only. The love of my life. There's no one else in this world that I want. I love you."

"I love you too. Can you hold me?"

"Of course, sweet girl." She said as she pulled you into her arms. "I'm always happy to hold you, my girl. I've got you."

You smiled as you laid your cheek on her shoulder.

"You're my everything, Chaeryeong," you whispered as you melted into her warm and safe embrace.

"You're my everything too, baby." She smiled as she kissed your head. "And that'll never change."

And you know that she knows that will never change for you, either.

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