waking you with kisses

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When the alarm began to sound you pulled the blanket over your head in an attempt to block it out. Chaeryeong chuckled beside you as she reached over to turn it off and then turned to you.

She tugged at the blanket and soon pulled it off of your head, giggling softly when you groaned. She leaned in close, allowing for her lips to press against your neck. Your skin felt warm and your body wash from your shower late last night lingered, making her melt.

"Wake up, baby,"

"No." You grumbled as you buried your face in your pillow, but you squirmed with a small smile tugging at your lips when Chaeryeong tickled your sides and peppered kisses across the back of your neck.

"Wake up, my baby. It's gonna be a good day and we get to spend it together." She spoke and you didn't have to open your eyes to stare at her to know that she was all smiles.

You could tell by her voice and the way she smiled against your neck afterward as she let her lips trail long your in, some of the softest and sweetest kisses being left on every inch of your skin.

"Get up," she said, tugging at the hem of your shirt before letting her fingers dance along your spine.

You smiled, her touch and her morning kisses making your heart flutter.

"I'm awake." You giggled before humming contentedly as she laid down beside you. You turned your cheek and she began to caress it, staring at you with bright eyes when your eyes locked. "Morning,"

"Good morning! I've missed you. Can't wait to spend today by your side."

She was so enthusiastic, so happy, that it was infectious and made you feel the same.

She reached over to brush a strand of your hair behind your ear then leaned forward to give you a morning kiss. Her lips lingered for a moment before she pulled back and you frowned as you watched her roll over to turn out of bed.

"Wait," you mumbled and took her hand. "Where are you going?"

"To get ready for the day."

You shook your head and pulled her back into bed. You hovered over her and brought her in for another kiss as soon as she was laying down. She sighed against your lips, her hand on your back to keep you close even when you pulled away.

"We don't get many mornings like these together. Just stay here with me for a few more minutes." You mumbled and leaned back in for another kiss while she kept you close, relishing in every brush of your lips against her own.

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