you have amnesia (requested)

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Author's Note: Happy birthday to this precious angel that I adore so much 💗


Chaeryeong lifted her head the second she heard the doctor approaching her.

She was sitting in the waiting room with the girls, chewing at her painted nails as she anxiously waited to hear if you'd be okay.

You were in a car accident tonight and it seemed a little touch and go there for a while and Chaeryeong has been terrified ever since.

"Is Y/N okay?" She asked as she jumped up from her seat. "Please tell me she's okay!"

"She's going to be okay."

Chaeryeong let out a breath of relief before the girls hugged her tightly.

"There are some injuries that she sustained that will take a little time to heal but she should be okay. However..."

The relief Chaeryeong felt quickly faded away as soon as she heard that word leave the doctor's lips.

"There is one thing you should know."

"What?" Chaeryeong asked with a look of fear in her eyes.

"She knows some details about herself such as her name and her birthday but she has no memory of the accident and when I asked her if she wanted you, her girlfriend, to see her, she was very confused."

"What do you mean? What are you saying?"

"I think she has some amnesia."

Chaeryeong's heart sank in her chest.

"I want you to go in there and see if she recognizes you."

"Okay." Chaeryeong quietly said before drying her eyes and following the doctor to your hospital room.

The door opened and she saw you on the bed.

Your head turned at the sound of the door opening and she hurried over to you.

"Y/N," She sighed in relief. "You're okay. Oh, god, I'm so happy you're okay! I was freaking out. I was so scared you wouldn't make it."

You pushed her away and gazed at her in confusion.

"I'm sorry? Who are you?"

Chaeryeong looked at the doctor and saw him send her a look of sadness.

"What do you mean who am I? I'm your girlfriend, silly."


"Yeah," Chaeryeong replied with a nervous smile. "We've been dating for over a year now. Come on, please stop messing with me and just let me hug you."

"I'm very confused. I don't have a girlfriend. If I spent a year with someone, I'm pretty certain I'd remember that. I don't know you."

That made Chaeryeong's heart shatter all over again.

"Please go away. I don't know you and you're scaring me. Go, please!"

"Chaeryeong, can I talk to you?" The doctor asked and pulled her out into the hallway as Chaeryeong's eyes filled with tears.

"She really doesn't know me? She has no memory of me or the last year we've spent together? She has amnesia?"


"Well, you have to fix it! You have to make her remember me!"

"I'm certain that it's caused by a concussion that she got from the accident. Now, her memory can absolutely come back but it's going to take some time and some effort to help her remember things."

"So you're saying she might not remember me for days or weeks?"

"Or even months, possibly."

Chaeryeong sniffled as a few tears fell down her cheeks.

"She's my everything. This last year has been the best of my life and she doesn't even remember it. I know it's not her fault but I don't know what to do without her. She won't even let me go near her because she's scared. What do I do?"

"Keep trying. That's all we can do. Pictures, videos, and things in detailed description can help her memory return."

Chaeryeong wiped her eyes as she looked through the window to you on the hospital bed.

"Don't lose hope, okay?" The doctor asked.

"I won't." She said. "I'm not giving up on her. No matter how long it takes, I'll do everything I have to do to help her remember me."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06 ⏰

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