you're a fan and she flirts with you (requested)

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You were certain that your heart was going to beat right out of your chest at this point considering how fast and hard it was pounding against your chest with every step that you took.

From where you stand now, you can see the girls and you can't believe how breathtaking they are in person; somehow, even more beautiful than through your phone screen.

You're not sure how you ever got so lucky but you're one of the very few people that get to attend ITZY's fansign today and meet the girls.

It seems too good to be true because they are your everything and have changed your life so much since you discovered them.

Your hands are shaking and it's sinking in that there are only two people ahead of you before you're next.

It didn't fly by since the girls took a couple of minutes each with the fans ahead of you but before you knew it, it was your turn.

The first in line was Ryujin and you took a deep breath before walking over to her.

You were so mesmerized by how incredibly beautiful she was and how she was sitting there in front of you that you went speechless for a moment.

"Hello! What's your name?"

You stared at her in silence and wide eyes.

But Ryujin was used to it and all she did was chuckle softly before reaching out to touch your hand.

"I'm Ryujin. What's your name?"

"Y/N," You said shakily.

"Y/N? It's very nice to meet you! Did you bring anything with you that I can sign for you?"

"Yeah," You said before handing your ITZY album to her with shaky hands. "Thank you!"

"It's my pleasure." She grinned as she signed it, putting a little heart next to her name. "I'm so happy you could come see us. I hope to see you again someday!"

"Me too. Thank you so much!" You said before going to Lia, who was next to Ryujin.

"Hi, Y/N!" She grinned, having overheard you say your name to Ryujin. "It's lovely to meet you. How long have you been a MIDZY?"

You happily told her as she signed your album for you.

"That's amazing!" She smiled happily. "Thank you for always supporting us."

"Thank you for all you do. I hope you know how much MIDZY appreciates you and everything you do." You told her, nervously playing with the sleeve of your shirt as you did so. "Don't let anyone else tell you differently, Lia, you're amazing."

She looked at you with the brightest eyes and smile on her face, your words touching her heart and turning it to mush.

"That means a lot to me. Thank you." She said before reaching out to squeeze your hand kindly.

You looked to see who you'd be meeting next and your heart almost burst.

It was Chaeryeong, your bias.

Although you adore all of the girls very much, Chaeryeong has always held a soft spot in your heart.

She's so precious and has such a sweet personality and her voice is so beautiful.

Everything about her makes you melt and you adore her more than she could ever know.

So, despite feeling as if you might pass out, you moved on to Chaeryeong with a nervous smile.

Her eyes lit up when they locked with yours before she sent you the softest smile.

"Are you nervous?" She asked upon seeing the way your hands shook as you slowly inched your album closer to her for her to sign as well as the look in your eyes.

You nodded quickly.

"Don't be nervous!" She said before grabbing your hands in hers.

And you felt your knees go weak beneath you, nearly giving out on you.

"It's okay." She said before brushing her thumbs across your palms.

You took a deep breath before relaxing a little.

"You're pretty." You said and she giggled happily in response.

"Really?" She asked. "That's very kind of you to say. You're pretty too."

Butterflies filled your entire chest upon hearing her tell you that.

She sank her teeth into her lip as she glanced between you and the album that she was signing before she slid it back to you.

You picked it up to see that she put a bunch of hearts around her name and it made a shy giggle leave your lips.

"You have the cutest giggle." She complimented. "You're cute."

You sent her the prettiest smile she'd ever seen and for a moment, she couldn't even think.

"Wow," She smiled. "I hope you know CPR because you just took my breath away."

You pinched your arm a little because you were convinced you had to be dreaming right now.

But you weren't; Chaeryeong was still there in front of you, gazing at you with the prettiest eyes ever and a smile that left you weak in the knees.

"Someone must've stolen the stars and put them in your eyes." She whispered. "They're gorgeous."

"Stop," You shyly whined. "I have to be dreaming. There's no way that you're flirting with me."

"But I am." She winked. "And I'm enjoying it."

You sank your teeth into your lip, nervously giggling as she continued to flirt and make you weak.

"You know those gaps between your fingers?" She asked before intertwining her fingers with yours. "They were made for mine."

"I think I might faint." You giggled.

"Well, we can't have that happen." She smiled. "But if you do, I'll catch you."

"Not that I don't like it but why are you flirting with me?" You wondered. "You see a bunch of pretty girls that want to meet you every day."

"Yeah, but they're not you. I'm not into them, I'm into you. I like you a lot. There's just something different about you, something very special. I can tell. I would love to get to know you more."

"You would?" You asked and watched her nod happily.

"You're the last fan in line but there's still a few things we have to get done once this is over. Are you busy? Or do you mind hanging around for a bit and then we can go get some food or something?"

"I would like that a lot." You said before smiling from ear to ear, making her light up.

"There's that smile." She said. "If you keep smiling at me like that, I might faint."

You shook your head with a laugh.

"I mean it. I like you, Y/N. Please stick around for a bit. I'll treat you to something nice once we're done here."

"Okay." You agreed.

"Perfect! I promise, to see you soon. Go talk to Yuna and Yeji. I'll see you in a few."

You nodded and went to see Yuna, only for Chaeryeong to stop you.

"Your shoes are tied though, right?"

"Yeah. Why?" You curiously asked.

"Just making sure. I don't want you to be falling for anyone else."

Your cheeks heated up and you felt the butterflies fill your stomach again as Ryujin and Lia teased her for flirting with you and for falling for someone so hard.

But it was sweet and you just couldn't wait to see her again in a little while.

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