dodging my girlfriend's kisses prank

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You giggled as Chaeryeong rushed to you right after she walked through the door, practically pushing you onto your back on the sofa so she could hover over you and shower you with hugs and kisses.

"Did you miss me?" You teased and she brushed the tip of her nose against yours, a sparkle in her big brown eyes as she stared into yours.

"Very much so. I had a stressful day and haven't been able to stop thinking all day about getting home to you."

She started to lean in as her heart fluttered in her chest. Just the thought of being able to kiss you made a rush of happiness flood over her.

But before her lips could hit yours, you turned your face which caused her lips to brush against your cheek instead.

She stared at you in confusion as she pulled away. You returned the look, causing her to roll her eyes.

"What is it, cutie?" You asked with a teasing grin on your lips.

She leaned in again, only for you to tilt your head back, causing her lips to hit your chin instead.

"Don't dodge my kisses." She pouted but it quickly turned into a smile as you giggled happily.

She leaned in again and again, each time her lips brushing against a different spot, basically everywhere on your face except your lips.

Your temple, your forehead, your cheeks, your chin, your nose... it all left Chaeryeong rolling her eyes.

"Something wrong, my love?" You teased again and she just cupped your cheeks in her hands and pushed her lips onto yours for a deep kiss.

She took your breath away and made a little moan slip from your lips as she tugged at your lip with her teeth.

She pulled away and you tried to kiss her again, only for her to get a little revenge as she moved around to dodge your kiss.

"Chaeryeong, don't," you whined.

"Not so nice when it's happening to you, is it, baby?"

You pouted and she chuckled before pushing her lips onto yours for another sweet kiss, only for her to deepen it as you got lost in each other.

Chaeryeong Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now