your stubbornness puts you in danger (requested)

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Chaeryeong muttered a few curse words under her breath as you stormed out of the house and out the door.

The argument you just had together wasn't all that bad but you were both exhausted and easily frustrated, so you left to go and get some fresh air and get away from her for a little while.

She sat down on the sofa with her head in her hands as she took a few minutes to cool down and calm her mind a bit.

She knew you had both been in the wrong for this argument and she was certain that you felt just as guilty for everything that was said and for raising your voice at her, just as she did to you.

After taking a few minutes to catch her breath, she was ready to talk this out with you rationally and like the adults that you were.

She wasn't sure how much time had gone by but she didn't let her mind wander too far away from her as to where you might be because, honestly, she didn't think you'd walk away.

She figured that she'd open the door and you'd be sitting on the front porch steps.

But wrong she was.

When she opened the door and stepped outside, she didn't see you anywhere.

She was only met with a cool breeze on her shoulders and the night sky.

She went back inside and grabbed her phone to call you, thinking that you were probably just a block or two away and nothing more.

"Pick up, pick up, pick up," She mumbled to herself as she began to pace around the living room.

"What do you want, Chaeryeong?" You asked as you answered the phone.

She didn't say anything about how you greeted her.

She just closed her eyes and let out a heavy sigh before saying the two words you needed to hear.

"I'm sorry."

A few seconds of silence went by before she heard you answer.

"I'm sorry too."

She ran her fingers through her long hair and smiled in relief.

You were on the same page again and it was clear from the way you said the words that you felt genuinely sorry, just as she felt.

"Come home now, okay? Everything's fine. Where are you?"

"I don't know. I've just been going where my feet carry me. I don't exactly know where I am."

"You're in the safe part of town though, right?"

Looking around you, you saw the grafitti-covered buildings and the sketchy people nearby.

"I don't think so." You said.

Chaeryeong's heart dropped.

Grabbing her keys, she ran out of the house and to her car.

"I'm okay though. I'll just turn around and walk home. I could take the shortcut in the alley."

"At this time of night!? No, Y/N, don't do that. Just tell me a street sign around you and I'll pick you up."

"Babe, people are looking at me weirdly. I don't think I'm safe." You said with a hint of anxiety in your voice.

You felt unsettled by the looks the men nearby were giving you and the looks of people that seemed too drunk and too out of it to take your safety and personal space into consideration.

"I'm taking the shortcut home. I'll be there soon."

"It's not any safer there, Y/N! Someone is going to end up hurting you. Just keep some distance between you and the other people there, I won't be long."

"It's okay, babe. I'll be alright, stop fussing over me! I'll be home soon." You said as you made your way back, ending the call.

Chaeryeong slammed her hands on the steering wheel and picked up speed.

The shortcut you plan on taking is dangerous when it's dark.

A lot of scary and harmful people hang out there and they're the type of people that don't care for anyone, they're okay with taking everything you have and hurting you in the process, or simply for a thrill.

She knew you were in danger but, thankfully, she wasn't far from there.

With the way she was driving, she'd be there in no time.

Meanwhile, you started your descent back home and made your way toward the shortcut, stepping closer and closer.

You were spotted by a few guys who were standing around with cigarettes in their hands as they watched you from afar.

You rubbed your arms as a chill from the air ran down your spine while you tried to keep your eyes ahead and not look at anyone as you passed them by.

But luck wasn't on your side tonight and the guys were quick to make up their minds that they weren't going to just let you pass by.

"Hey, beautiful," One of them said as he stepped in front of you.

He had a sinister smile on his face and you felt terrified as soon as you saw it.

Trying to walk around him, you stepped to the side, only to find another guy right there.

You spun around and saw another behind you.

They were cornering you.

You couldn't escape.

"Where do you think you're going?" One of them asked. "Trying to walk away from us? That's not very nice."

Your heart pounded in fear as you wondered what they might do to you.

But before they even had a chance to lay their hands on you, Chaeryeong pulled up.

"Y/N!" She yelled, attracting the attention of you and the men surrounding you.

One of them attempted to snatch your phone out of your grip but you held it too tight for him to do so.

When you pushed past them to run, one of them grabbed your wrist, but you were determined to get to the car and to safety with Chaeryeong and you gave him a good kick where it hurt, causing him to fall onto his knees with a groan.

You ran to the car and got in and as soon as the door slammed shut, Chaeryeong locked them and sped away, making the tires squeal loudly.

"Are you okay?" She asked as she turned her gaze to look at you as she reached a red light.

"Yeah, I think so." You said as you put your head back with a breath of relief.

"I told you not to go that way! You're so damn stubborn and it put you in danger this time, Y/N! What would've happened if I hadn't got there right then? What would've happened if I hadn't called you and you went that way? You could've been hurt! Or worse!"

"I'm sorry." You said. "You're right. Okay? Happy? I'm sorry."

She pulled onto the side of the road to talk to you better.

"I know you're sorry. I know you didn't think it through completely and I'm not angry with you. I just worry about you. I don't want you to get hurt. You have to stop being so stubborn, baby. Next time, I might not make it in time to help keep you safe."

"I know." You sighed. "I promise to stop being so stubborn. I love you and thank you for coming out to help me."

"Always." She smiled as she ran her fingers through your hair. "It's been a long night and I'm exhausted. Let's go home and get into bed."

"As long as you cuddle me, I'm happy with that."

"I'll give you all the cuddles you want, my love. I promise." She cheerfully said as you both felt relief in putting everything behind you.

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