calling her by her full name (requested)

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"Guess who." You playfully told Chaeryeong as you covered her eyes with your hands from behind her.

You uncovered her eyes as she turned around to stare at you with her eyebrows furrowed.

She looked unhappy, which is the opposite reaction you thought you'd receive for surprising her in practice today.

"What are you doing here?"

"I came here to surprise you, obviously." You said as you playfully elbowed her side. "I figured you couldn't sneak away since you're so busy and I wanted to make sure you ate so I brought you food!"

"Okay." She said before turning back around to face Lia once more.

"Okay?" You asked, confused and a little hurt. "That's all I get?"

"What do you want me to say, Y/N?" Chaeryeong sighed as she turned to face you.

"Thank you?"

"Fine. Thank you. There, happy now?"

You weren't sure where this attitude of hers was coming from but you didn't appreciate it.

"I came to see you. I thought it'd be a good surprise."

"Well, you thought wrong," Chaeryeong said. "Im too busy. Just go away."


"Don't annoy me. Not right now." Chaeryeong warned as she faced you again. "You're getting on my nerves already and I've got enough going on right now. Just do us all a favor and go home."

The girls were ready to lecture her about the way she was treating you.

But they didn't get the chance to before you did.

"Lee Chaeryeong!" You yelled. "Don't talk to me like that!"

Chaeryeong couldn't believe you'd used her full name.

Her eyes were as wide as can be and it made the girls burst into giggles.

"Someone's in trouble." Ryujin teased.

"I don't deserve to be spoken to that way so don't start. You better apologize to me. Right now."

"You're right." She sighed as she stepped closer to you. "You're completely right. I don't know what came over me. Im just having a bad day."

"That's not an excuse."

"No, it's not. Not at all." She agreed. "Im sorry for treating you the way I did and im sorry if I hurt your feelings at all."

She took the container of food that you made for her out of your hands.

"Thank you, darling. You're the sweetest."

"Yeah, yeah." You mumbled.

"Please don't be mad at me. I'll make it up to you!"

"You better." You said as she put her hands on your hips. "And you better never speak to me that way again."

"I won't, I swear." She promised as she kissed your cheek.

"Well, at least we know what to do when Chaeryeong is grumpy." Yeji teased. "Calling her by her full name straightens her out right away."

"It scared me." Chaeryeong chuckled as she hugged you. "I've never heard you do that before."

"It worked though, didn't it?" You smiled as she pulled you in for a kiss. "You still have some making up to do."

"I know. I promise I'll make it all up to you." She said as she wrapped her pinky around yours. "I love you, baby."

She held you tight, trying her best to let you know how truly sorry she was for talking to you the way she did.

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