Chapter 4

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The next morning I wake up to Purna shaking me.

"Wake up Blitz! We slept in! We have ten minutes to get downstairs!" She cries and then rushes away, her frizzy brown hair trailing behind her.

I sit up quickly, swaying a little, still not all the way awake. I yawn and rub my eyes, swinging my legs off the side of the bed and standing up. I sleepily walk over to my suitcase and pull out a yellow t-shirt and some jeans. I walk into the bathroom, passing Purna who is combing her hair hurriedly, and change.

The next ten minutes, chaos occurs, full of flying toothbrushes, eggs, and showers. Somehow we managed to get out the door with one minute to spare. We run down the hall desperately, our arms pumping at our sides.

Why are we, of all people, at the farthest room from the elevators?!?! I think in exasperation as we finally reach the elevator and jump inside. Purna smacks the number one and we wait in agony as the elevator music starts and we slowly move down.

"We should have taken the stairs." I mutter. Purna sighs in agreement.

We get to the bottom and straighten ourselves as the door opens. We step out to see people crowded around the man from yesterday. We sneak around the back of the group and try to catch what the man is saying.

"Someone will....groups....okay!" The man says happily. A couple people half-cheer but most just stare at him, yawning.

"Take a seat and, once again, wait for your name to be called please." The man says kindly. I look at Purna and we rush over to the same spot we were yesterday.

"Eeee!" Purna suddenly squeals excitedly, her hands fists near her cheeks, her eyes squeezed shut.

I jump slightly, "What?"

She puts her hands down and opens her eyes, "I'm just so excited!"

I smile at her. I could relate. I'm just too tired to show it. I yawn.

"Blitz Boardel!"

I look up to see the woman at the desk calling me over. I glance at Purna and stand up.

"Should I try and get us in the same group?" I ask.

She shrugs, "If you want."

I turn and walk over to the woman.

"Hi." I say quietly.

"Hello Blitz. Today you will tour Dendo City with Fulgur, your guide." She says.

"Thank you but...can I request a tour with my friend?" I ask.

"Sure. Who's your friend?"

"Espurna Ivy."

The woman types some things and then nods, "Tell her to go with you. Fulgur is right over there."

I look at where she's pointing to see a short man with an acne problem. "Great." I mutter as I get over to Purna.

I point to the man, "That is Fulgur. He will be our guide."

Purna looks at me. Then Fulgur. Then me. Then Fulgur.

"What?" She asks.

I sigh and walk toward the short man who now has a girl and three boys surrounding him. Purna scrambles after me.

"Hello! I'm Fulgur and I will be helping you around Dendo City." Fulgur exclaims as we get close.

"Hi! I'm Purna and this is Blitz!" Purna says happily.

Fulgur smiles at us, "That's everyone, lets go!"

Fulgur leads the way out of the building and we see a hover-car with a driver waiting outside. Fulgur stands to the side, holding the door open as we get in. He gets in and closes the door.

I feel the leather of the chair in amazement as the shiny car starts moving down the street. Fulgur points at the houses on the side of the road, "These are obviously the houses and once you get enough money you may own one." We continue down and I stare at the houses in amazement. To think I could own one of these

We turn a corner and a building looms into view. It looks like a stadium with big doors, two men standing on each side of the door.

"This is the Training Dome." Fulgur says, pointing to the stadium.

"Wow..." The boy on my left mutters. I agree.

"Tomorrow you will be training here with the me. I will show you how to warp and conjure over the next couple of months. Once you have gotten good, you can get a job and eventually, a house." Fulgur continues.

The boy raises his hand, "What time do we have to be here?"

"It's on the schedule you were given, but you must be at the lobby of the Transfer Building and ready to leave at 8:00 o'clock sharp!" Fulgur says. The boy nods and puts his hand down.

We continue our tour and learn all about the things in Dendo City. The museum, the library, the park, they even have a gym!

By 8:00 we've seen all there is to see and Fulgur tells the driver to take us back. We turn around and quickly reach the Transfer Building again.

The hover-car stops and Fulgur turns to us, "Remember, eight o'clock sharp!"

We all nod and he smiles, "You're going to like it here." He says as he opens the door. We get out and walk up to our rooms. Me and Purna get inside, change, brush our teeth and jump into bed.

"Lets hope we don't sleep in this time." Purna mutters as she drifts off. I chuckle and roll on my back, staring at the ceiling. I finger my Shinju and think about all that has happened in the past week. I sigh.

A lot can happen in a week.
Just gonna say guys, thanks for reading this far! I appreciate it. I really do. And you know what I would appreciate even more......?

That's right, comments! Please comment, it's kind of weird and slightly scary not knowing if you like it or if you are just reading it because you're super incredibly bored!

BTW, I know the story isn't exactly 'exciting' yet, but just keep reading, because once it does pick up, you're gonna want to be there to read it!


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