Chapter 22

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The next morning when we wake up, we're all very nervous. We don't know what's about to happen or if we're supposed to go somewhere. They must not want us to go to the place where the room disappeared, it's far away and we have no idea where it is with all the plants and trees burnt. Everything looks different.

So we just go about with our day.

We eat most of the rest of our food and drink a ton of water. Neve and Anemos try to get some sleep, but I don't think they managed to. Other than this, we talked.

"So....what do you think we're supposed to do?" Terro asks sometime around the afternoon. I shrug apologetically and everyone else mutters 'I don't know's.

"Maybe we're supposed to go back to where the room disappeared?" Ignis proposes.

Nero shakes his head, "Can't be. How would we find it? Everything's burnt."

Ignis gives him a look, "I was just bouncing idea's around. Do you have a better idea, moron?"

Nero glares at her, "Actually, yes, I do."

Ignis rolls her eyes, "And what might that be?"

"Maybe we have to build a shelter."

"We're in a shelter idiot."

The two have a glare off and Kin has to sit in between them. Once she does they 'humph' and cross their arms like little kids, sticking their noses in the air. Terro rolls his eyes and we lapse into silence.

I look around, my eyes flitting over the compacted dirt and makeshift stairs that lead to the forest.

"Maybe we're supposed to go outside? What if there's a note or something?" I propose, not really believing that's what we're supposed to do.

Everyone shrugs and, since we have nothing better to do, we get up and walk up the stairs, which is more like an organized hill than a staircase. We step into the light of day and look around.


We trudge back, annoyed and frustrated.

"What are we supposed to do? Why won't they just tell us?!" Terro exclaims angrily, throwing his hands in the air as we storm back to our little spot.

"Stupid good-for-nothing little-" Ignis mutters, her voice lowering until we can't hear what she says.

"Maybe they're waiting for us to figure it out." Anemos asks quietly to nobody in particular.

"What?" Kin asks.

"Maybe we have to figure it out....." Anemos repeats, lapsing into silence, putting on his thinking face.

We are quiet for a while as we all think. Hmm.....figure out what? Where to go? What to find?

I can't make heads or tails of it, but apparently Neve can.

She suddenly snaps her fingers, making us all jump.

"Sorry." She says sheepishly, smiling.

I shrug, "Whatever. Why'd you snap?"

She smiles brighter, "Maybe we have to find the Black Serpents!" She beams at us, waiting for her idea to get praise.

I nod slowly as the idea sinks in. It would make since. It can't hurt to try, right?

"I'm in." I say.

"Me too." Nero quickly joins in.

Everyone else shrugs but Anemos, who has a doubtful look.

"How will we find them? They could be anywhere!" He says, pushing his glasses up on his nose.

Nobody speaks for a couple minutes, thinking of this new obstacle. How will we find them?

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