Chapter 21

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My brother and I are cooking marshmallows over a fire. Mine burns and I start to cry so my brother gives me his.

"I like mine burnt anyway." He claims, but I know he doesn't. He's just nice like that.

I look into the fire as I take a bite of my s'more. The gooey chocolate makes my mouth taste sweet and some marshmallow gets on my fingers, making them sticky, but I don't care. I keep watching the fire, dancing it's strange little dance. I always liked fire. It's so beautiful. I remember wanting to be a fire elementalist, so I could control such a thing.

"Hey Go-Go."

I turn around, a smile on my face, as my brother calls me by my nickname.

"What, Slow-Slow?" I ask in my squeaky little voice, my smile still intact as a I call him by his nickname.

My brother's white-blue eyes sparkle as he rolls them. Suddenly, he grabs me around my middle, making me squeal in delight, and lays back, setting me down next to him so we lay in the grass, side by side. I press my face into his chest, looking up at him, wondering what he was going to show me.

He shows me lots of things. Whenever he acts like this it means he's going to teach me something new.

"You see that star up there? The big bright one?" He asks, pointing.

I follow him finger to see a bright star. I nod.

He points out a shape with his finger, "You see how it makes that shape? The four that form a rectangle of sorts and the others that form a line coming off it?"

I nod again. This is like connect the dots except with stars!

"That's called the Big Dipper, Blitz. It's a constellation!"

I smile.

That's pretty, how it forms a spoon. It's like it wants some of Dads homemade chicken soup. That's always good.

My brother points out some other constellations which I quickly learn, laying beside him underneath the stars, the cool night air rolling over us and the green grass tickling me.

. . .

When I wake up, I don't know how long it's been. I don't know where I am or what happened either. The only thing I do know is I'm laying on something cold and hard in the dark. The comfort I had gotten from my memory-dream fades and is quickly replaced with fear.

I try to sit up and look around but my body is instantly searing with pain. I groan and fall back, clenching my teeth together as I wait for the pain to fade. I try to remember what happened. All I can come up with is the fire and the arm that saved me.....but who did it belong to? I can't remember anything after that.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

I feel myself relax as Terro's amused voice reaches my ears.

I roll my eyes as he walks over and comes to a stop next to me, "I can do what I want, thank you very much."

I can't see him but am almost certain he just rolled his eyes.

"Don't you roll your eyes at me, mister!" I scold.

"How did you know I rolled my eyes?!?" He says in shock.

"I'm psychic."

"Not funny."

"It was to me."

"You have an awful sense of humor."

"It's better than yours."

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