Chapter 14

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We walk for only about three minutes when the snow starts. Three more minutes later and the ice joins in. Neve beams like a little girl who just got her favorite toy in the whole world for Christmas as she dances in the snow.

"This is so much fun!" She exclaims gleefully, twirling in circles like a little girl.

Suddenly, her happy attitude changes to a sad one and she looks at the ground, "If only Frost were here. She'd love this."

Kin smiles softly and gives her a quick hug, "I'm sure Frost will be fine." She says cheerfully.

Neve sniffs sadly and we keep walking.

We walk in silence for a couple of minutes before I get an idea.

"You want to go up ahead with me Neve?" I offer, cocking my head at her.

She smiles excitedly, "We can?"

I shrug, "Well, the obstacle ahead will probably need you so it couldn't hurt, right?"

Anemos opens his mouth to protest but I cut him off with a wave of my hand, "And, if we do need help, we'll come right back."

I look pointedly from the wind boy to the hopeful Neve.

After a minute Anemos sighs in defeat, gesturing for me and Neve to go ahead.

I smile at the ice elementalist and she hurries over, beaming, before jumping onto my back, her hands clamped firmly onto my shoulder.

I look back over at her, "You ready?" I ask with a mischievous smirk.

Neve suddenly looks uncertain but before she can say anything I dart forward. We shoot down the path, the farther down we go the colder it gets. My feet crunch satisfyingly on the snow and the crisp wintery air blows around us. I put on a burst of speed until it gets so cold I have to stop.

The minute I do I feel Neve stop moving in slow motion.

She gasps, "Oh my gosh Blitz! You had to do that to catch Zap?"

I nod as I let her down off me.

"Whoaa!" I say, steadying the girl as she sways dizzily.

I laugh, "A little jet lag?"

Neve rolls her eyes at me, "That's not how it works!"

"That's how it works to me!"


I smirk at her, "Yep!"

Suddenly a frigid breeze rolls over us and I shiver, covering myself with my arms as goosebumps pop up along my arms, legs, and face.

Neve's smile slips off her face and she bites her lip, watching me, "I'm so dumb! We should have brought Ignis!"

I shake my head firmly, feeling my fingers already start to go numb, "I'm fine. Let's just go."

Neve looks uncertain for a minute but then her face clears up and she nods. She jumps on my back again and we dart through the snow. My feet break through the surface of the fresh, clean snow. So pure and white. It actually hurts my eyes to look at it.

Running definitely helps me warm up, but soon my lungs are searing with each freezing breath I take, not to mention the burning in my limbs and the pain in my side until, once again, I have to stop.

Neve jumps off my back and squints around and I stand beside her, squeezing my eyes shut every time a cold breeze rolls over us, shivering so hard it hurts.

I start to think about death by freezing. That can happen, right? Your inside's slowly freeze until you can feel no more. I wonder how painful it would be. It couldn't be as bad as starvation, right? Or drowning? Maybe it is, I don't know, I've never froze to death before. I wonder if anyone would miss me. Would I be able to see them? I wonder how sad Dad would be. Would he have a funeral? Who would he invite? I don't really have any friends other than the Snow Ferrets.

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