Chapter 12

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In the next minute, three thing happen in rapid succession. First, my Shinju kicks in and I speed up, my fingers tingling.

Then, I reach out and grab Ignis' hand.

Lastly, I fall forward and my heart leaps in my chest, but before I fall too far forward to save myself, I feel someone strong grab the back of my shirt, stopping me so that my feet are pressed against the side of the bridge and my body is completely horizontal. I have no idea how the bridge hasn't broken yet, but right now I'm just grateful.

I feel myself swing gently from side to side as the person holding me starts sliding forward. My heart is beating so fast I feel like it's about to pop. No way we're going to survive this.

I manage a glance behind me and see Terro has my shirt in his hands, his eyes narrowed and his muscles rippling with the struggle of holding both me and Ignis.

Speaking of the girl.....I look down at her and see her scrabbling to grab my hand in both of hers. She hangs completely off the edge, the only thing stopping her from falling to her doom being me and Terro.

I feel my hands start sweating and Ignis slips a little. She grabs farther up my arm, her eyes wide and terrified. I glance back over my shoulder and see Anemos scramble forward and try to help Terro. He grabs the larger boy around the chest and tries pulling him back. Terro starts sweating and he adjusts his grip on my shirt, which I feel is dangerously thin.

I don't scream for two reasons. One, I'm to scared to, and two, I have not forgotten the crocodiles. I look over and see the one on the bridge looking around in confusion.

I grit my teeth and feel my fingers and arms start to ache from holding Ignis.

"I'm sorry I'm so fat." She mutters to me. "Just please.....don't let go."

I shake my head, staring into her beautiful amber-orange eyes. "Wouldn't dream of it." I whisper, being completely truthful.

"I'm done! Hang on!" I hear Kin whisper, but I don't look up. My grip is slipping a lot now from sweat. Ignis's hands are wet too, making it even worse, she can't find a firm grip on my arm.

"What do you think we're doing?!" Terro growls to Kin, his face now shining from perspiration. For a minute I stare into his crystal clear green eyes, eyes like Dad's, and he stares into my white-blue ones. His eyes are narrowed, in anger or concentration I'm not sure. It might be a bit of both.

Suddenly, I feel Ignis's hands slip even more out of my grip. I quickly look back down at her. The room is very hot. My face is now sticky with sweat, my hair sticks to my neck uncomfortably. I get a feeling my face is beat red.

A drop of sweat rolls down my face and gets in my eye, blurring my vision of Ignis. I quickly blink it away. Stupid body.

The bridge thumps and I know the crocodile is back on the move. Stupid crocodiles.

Ignis's hand slips ever more and I look back down at her. Stupid me. Why can't I be stronger?

Ignis's hand is now slipping a lot. I feel my own eyes widen and I try to grab her arm with my other hand. But it's to late.

Ignis slips from my hand and the only thing I see is her wide, terrified eyes before Terro pulls me back up, Ignis's weight now gone. Someone's screaming. It might be me.

Suddenly, a loud thump is heard, echoing eerily in the ravine, and I hear someone groan. I push Terro's hands away and hurry to the edge, peering over it to see Ignis laying sprawled out on a piece of metal.

I almost laugh out loud. I might have. I wouldn't know.

Suddenly, the crocodile roars.

Stupid, stupid, stupid crocodiles.

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