Chapter 15

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When I wake up I find myself in my yellow bed.

I sigh and sit up.

It's night and I can see the sleeping figures of my teammates in each of their beds.

I lay back down and think. Did I sleep through our free day? Did we win? If I did sleep through the results I know we didn't lose, we're still here!

"Blitz? You awake?" A familiar voice whispers sleepily.

"Yep. Go back to sleep Neve." I breath back.

She yawns, "Just thought you should know, you slept through the free day. We came in first again." Her voice gets quieter as she talks.

I smile in the dark. We won. We beat the Black Serpents.

"The stupid snakes.....came in second." She breathes to me, followed by a small snore.

My smile dims, but doesn't go away. We still won.

Who left? I look over at Neve but she's asleep.

"The Water Horses left."

I turn, startled, to my other side to see Anemos.

"Thanks." I whisper. The boy nods and turns on his side. I yawn and do the same, soon fast asleep.

. . .

The next morning when the man takes us to the boring grey room, we are all very nervous. The pressure is on.

"Snow Ferrets,
Welcome to the fighting round! The Black Serpents and the Iron Wasps will go first. You will go against the losing team. The losing team of that fight will leave the Harmony Games. You have to keep your white flag away from the opposing team while trying to get their flag. You have twenty minutes before the doors will open. Good Luck." Ignis reads aloud.

"Hmm...." Anemos thinks, tapping his chin.

"What?" Nero asks.

"We're going to need a battle plan." Anemos says, not looking at Nero.

"How about we decide who will go for which elementalist." Terro suggests.

Anemos nods, "Good idea."

Kin looks at Nero, "I think Nero should go against the fire elementalist."

Anemos nods, "Yeah, and Blitz should go for the water elementalist."

Ten minutes later and we have the matchings. I would go for the water elementalist, Nero would go for the fire one, Terro would go for the lightning one, Ignis would go for the ice one, Neve would go for the metal one, Kin would go for the earth one, and Anemos would go for the other air one.

"We still have time." Kin says.

"Maybe we should do something to surprise them." Anemos muses.

"We could make it rain." Nero suggests.

"Or snow." Neve comments.

"Yeah! We could make a storm! That'll catch them off guard!" Ignis exclaims evilly.

"With lightning and everything." Terro confirms with a nod.

We smile but I can tell everyone feels the pressure by the way their smiles seem forced. I feel it too.

If we lose we go home. We go home. It would mean that all we did was for nothing. We would be considered failures.

I feel my hands clench at my sides.

We won't lose. I won't let us lose, we can do this. I won't let Dad down, I won't.

I feel my fists loosen at my sides.

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