Chapter 9

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Once all the other teams go, they lead us to the cars and drive us back to the rooms we slept in last night. Terro grins as he sees the beds have been moved around so that where my white bed was there is a yellow one. I have to stifle a laugh as we get into our color coordinated beds and go to sleep.

. . . .

The next morning we get a rest day where we find out our results. Ignis decides to give us tattoos.

"No." I say firmly.

"Come on!" Kin whines, "We all did!"

I shake my head, my arms crossed. This morning Ignis had given everyone tattoos. She drew flames near her ear so it looked like her dragon earring was breathing fire. She had given similar tattoos to everyone except me, because I refused to.

"It'll look so cool!"

I shake my head again. I had always been against painting on your body. I don't approve of makeup either.

"Come on Blitz, I had to!" Neve complains. Hers looks really cool. Ignis made it look like a frozen breeze was carrying snowflakes across her cheek. In fact, all their tattoos look cool......

Ignis sighs heavily, "Blitz!"

I roll my eyes and throw my hands up in defeat, sighing heavily, "Fine! Ruin my face!" I exclaim.

Kin smiles widely and Anemos rolls his eyes, "You're such a drama queen." He mutters.

I beam at him, fluttering my eyelashes, "I try."

Ignis moves forward in exasperation, ready to ruin my face. She seats me into the chair and starts the tattoo thingy. I squeeze my eyes shut, hoping I'm not making the worst decision of my life.

. . . .

I reach up and touch my cheek, wincing slightly at the sting. Ignis had done my tattoo, a lightning bolt with sparks shooting off it.

And it. Looks. Awesome.

"So cool, huh Blitz?" Ignis teases, bumping me slightly. I nod slowly, making her laugh.

We are currently walking to the room where we will get our results for the first round with bouncy steps and awesome tattoos, eager to show them off to the other teams. I think we did pretty good with the creativity round, but I can't be sure. One team will be leaving today. All I can do is hope it won't be us.

We reach the room and see about half of the other teams here, chatting quietly. I look around at them, wondering what they did and who did better.

"Come on!" Kin exclaims, grabbing my arm and pulling me towards the middle. I grab the closest person, Ignis, and she grabs Nero, who grabs Neve, who grabs Terro, who grabs Anemos. Kin pulls us through the crowd until we are standing right in front, just in time to see the leaders reach their podiums and silence the crowd.

Mr. Petram steps up first. "I'm going to cut right to the chase."

Any whispering voices stop and lean forward eagerly. The first round is always the most important.

"We had a couple.....surprises this time." His voice ricochets off the walls as everyone starts to figet nervously. I share a nervous look with Nero.

"Everyone did good, don't worry!" Mr. Petram says with a small chuckle, "In fact, the surprise is everyone did very good!" The nervous whispers turn to excited ones and I find myself smiling, waiting eagerly. Whoever comes in last for this round is out of the Harmony Games, so you always have to be one step ahead of the others.

"But one team must leave. I shall start from the top and go down." Mr. Petram states, looking at a piece of paper in front of him. I hold my breath. Please be us, please be us, please be us....... "Coming in first is....."

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