Chapter 25

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And party I do.

First I meet all of my friend's parents-all nice people-and then we start to party.

I eat food with Terro and Anemos, talk with Kin and Neve, and dance with Nero and Ignis. It was a beautiful, amazing night. It felt so good to be able to do something without stress, it was like a boulder had been lifted off my shoulder.

But it was replaced with a sadness in my heart.

This is the last time I'll see the Snow Ferrets.

We'll each be going our separate ways and probably never see each other again, which seems impossible. We've been through so much, how could it be ending now?

It doesn't seem real.

Before it was just an idea, a we'll-get-there-when-we-get-there situation, but now it's back in full force, and it hurts. I can't imagine not seeing my friends. I just can't.

I don't think I can do it.

But I knew I still needed to speak with Ms. Spitha, I still knew I have one more surprise for tonight. But should I bring the others?

I decide if she wants to talk to me, she wants to talk to all of us, so near the end of the night I pull the Snow Ferrets aside and lead them over to Ms. Spitha. When she sees us, she nods toward a door and hurries off.

Since there is so much going on, nobody notices as we slip though the door Ms. Spitha indicated and file in.

"What did you-" I start, closing the door and turning around, but stopping as I see all of the leaders there.

"Well then." Nero says simply.

"We need your help." Ms. Spitha says immediately, cutting right to the chase.

"Um....well-" I start, but am interrupted by Kin.

"Where's Mr. Baja? Why isn't he here?" She asks. I search the group of people in front of me and frown as I notice she's right. Mr. Baja isn't here. Does this have something to do with yesterday?

Ms. Spitha shares a glance with the other leaders before turning back to me, her eyes nervous.

"He's the problem." She says.

I can almost see my teammates eyes widen behind me, but I cock my head curiously.

"What's wrong?"

Ms. Spitha takes a deep breath and looks me dead in the eyes, "Blitz, we need you and your friends help to save millions of people."

I feel my heart stop beating for a minute, but my face remains the same, and I start to get excited. I won't have to leave my friends. We can stay together. Whatever that may mean.

Ms. Spitha looks wary and nervous as she watches me. A thousand things shoot through my mind, but one stands out among all of them.

I can stay with my friends.

I turn around to see people I would die for looking back at me, their eyes twinkling with excitement and their faces eager.

I turn back to Ms. Spitha.

There is only one answer.

"We're in."

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