Chapter 24

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My shoulder throbs painfully as I slam to the ground, Zhen on top of me. He took me by surprise, so he has the advantage, but I have one too.

I activate my Dart-mode and slap his arm with so much force my hand would already have left a mark if I hadn't slapped a lobster-red part of his skin, and, considering I did, his wail of agony rips through the air and he rolls off me, cradling his arm. I wince at the sound, feeling my own arm sting slightly as I imagine the pain.

I guess I found his weak spot.

I stand up quickly, taking in the scene around me.

Anemos and Neve are battling the wind elementalist while Nero and Ignis fight Fotia. Terro is fighting the water boy, but seems to be losing, which I find surprising.

I glance at Zhen, who continues rolling on the ground in agony, and shake my head at him in disgust before Darting to help Terro.

I come from behind the water elementalist. He never saw it coming.

Terro's eyes widen as his opponent suddenly spasm's before passing out, but he returns to his usual scowl as he sees me.

"I didn't need your help." He grumbles, looking like a little boy who was just told he couldn't have a cookie.

I smirk at him, crossing my arms, "Sure, just like you didn't need me when you were about to get engulfed by a giant wave."

His scowl deepens, "I had it under control!" He exclaims. I just continue smirking, which infuriates him.

He opens his mouth to say something but is cut off as something heavy slams into my back and sends me flying toward him, my eyes wide in surprise and my mouth open.

I scream and slam into him, making me, him, and whatever slammed into me start rolling down a hill.

"Gahhhh!" Terro cries as we continue rolling. And rolling. And rolling.

I start to get dizzy and get my bearings before stopping us and jumping to my feet, feeling the world slow down around me as I begin to Dart again.

I whip around, a glare on my face, to see what slammed into me.


I reach my leg behind me and kick him as hard as I can in the same arm as before, but this time he just grits his teeth, pain written all over his features, and Darts to his feet too.

I gasp as he starts flying toward me again. I quickly squeeze my eyes shut and cover my face with my arms by instinct, but there is no need.

For a second nothing happens, so I slowly peel my eyes open. They widen in shock as I watch a rock crash down on Zhen's head, making the boy fall to the the ground, limp as a rag.

"There, now we're even." Terro says, getting to his feet and brushing his hands together like nothing just happened.

"Hey! I saved you on the water path during the strategy round!" I exclaim indignantly, crossing my arms, "It's two to one!"

Terro rolls his eyes, but then they suddenly widen and his hand flies forward, making a rock shoot from behind him over my shoulder, whistling by my ear. I don't even have time to move before a loud cracking sound reaches me from behind and I whirl around to see the rock lodged in the wind elementalist's stomach, blood seeping out of the wound, her eyes wide in fear.

I quickly turn away so I don't throw up, hoping never to see something so gruesome ever again, only to see Terro staring at the girl with a horrified expression.

I feel myself go numb again.

I just watched my friend kill an innocent girl.

Why do I feel so cold?

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