Chapter 11

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The next morning I wake up nervous. As I get ready for the teamwork round, I can't help squirming with nerves. The teamwork round is usually an obstacle course, but they change every year.

This is the second round. Round two of the five. Creativity, teamwork, strategy, fighting, survival.

This round two teams are getting eliminated. It's the only one were two teams leave.

The risks are high.

As we walk across the green grass to the stadium for the second time, I feel my hands shaking uncontrollably. The man leads us to the same bland, grey room as before, and we are handed our instructions.

This time, Anemos opens it.

"Snow Ferrets,
Welcome to the teamwork round! You will have to clear a series of obstacles to get to one end. You can't let anything touch you. It will be a race between you and the other teams, so try not to waste time. You have about five minutes to get ready then the doors will open, starting your time, so be ready. Good luck." Anemos finishes.

"Phew!" Nero exclaims in relief. I look at him curiously.

He shrugs, "At least we know what's coming, right? It's always an obstacle course."

Terro nods, "We just have to work together. Agreed?"

"Agreed." We chorus back. Just as we finish, the bell rings and the door opens. The light blinds me for a minute but when I am able to see again, I groan.

"It's a maze." Terro mutters.

An obstacle maze. Great.

Towering above us are huge grey slabs of metal so high I can barely see the tops. The path created by the slabs is only big enough for two people to stand side by side, their shoulders touching.

Ignis runs up, gesturing for us to follow her, "Come on! They're timing us, remember?"

We quickly follow her as she makes her way through the maze. We run for a long way, but not so long that we start panting.

"Wait!" Nero suddenly shouts, putting a hand up.

We stop.

"Do you smell that?" He asks, taking a deep breath through his nose. I do too and suddenly, it hits me. Water.

"Hang on." Nero remarks, putting his hands together in front of him and closing his eyes. We stare at him for a minute and when his eyes open again, they're full of panic, "A giant wave! We have to stop it!" He exclaims.

I feel my heart leap. I'm not a very good swimmer.

Everyone starts panicking.

"Calm. We have to stay calm. How do we stop this?" Terro says, taking charge.

"Well...." Anemos says, looking around at us. When his eyes pass over Neve, they light up. "Neve can stop it!" He states proudly.

Neve looks startled as we look at her. "M-m-me?" She asks. Anemos nods, "Yeah, but we have to hurry! You can just freeze the water."

Neve gulps. I understand. This is a lot of pressure.

"A-are you sure?" She asks, twisting her hair.

Anemos nods seriously, kneeling in front of her and looking into her nervous eyes, "This is to much water for Nero to part. He can help, but it's you who needs to stop it. We will help in any way we can too, okay?"

After a minute Neve takes a deep breath and nods.


Anemos smiles at her, "You can do it." He encourages her as he stands up.

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