Chapter 7

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Training goes like this for the next eight weeks and in no time the Harmony Games choosing is upon us.

Me and Purna run around the room, looking for jewelry and dresses.

"Blitz! Have you seen my dolphin necklace? I just had it!" Purna calls from the bathroom. I can hear drawers being opened and closed.

"No!" I reply, looking for my earrings, "I'll keep my eyes open though! Have you seen my earrings?"

"Oh! Here they are." Purna says, walking out of the bathroom carrying both my (guess what color?) gold earrings and her dolphin necklace. She hands me my earrings and I put them on as she clips the dolphin necklace around her neck. I drag a brush through my hair one more time before we bustle out the door and down to the elevator. Today we had set our alarm so we could have an hour to get ready for the choosing, and have used 40 of those minutes.

We get down to the lobby and find Blonde Boy, Elf Girl, and Fulgur waiting among a swamp of people in dresses and tuxedo's, calling for each other and talking. As we walk over, the other two boys in our group appear.

"Lets just get out of here." Fulgur says, having to talk loudly over the crowd. Nobody objects and we slowly make our way through the throng of people. Somehow we manage to get outside and find the street crowded with hover-cars that all look the same.

Blonde Boy moans in defeat but Fulgur flashes him a smile, "Watch." He says and turns back to the cars. He puts his arms over his head and pattern of electricity flashes above his head.

Flash. Flash Flash. Pause. Flash. Pause. Flash Flash.

A return flash blinks somewhere to the left of the cars and Fulgur starts walking toward it. We pass tons of cars until Fulgur stops in front of one that looks just like all the others.

"Get in." He commands, opening the door. We do and Fulgur climbs in after us, "To the choosing!" He says to the driver and we begin our slow drive out of the traffic. I sit back in my seat and look over at Purna. She managed to tame her frizzy hair and put earrings and her dolphin necklace on. That, mixed with the fact that she is wearing a beautiful frilly yellow and white dress makes her look amazing.

I let my hair down and am wearing a similar dress to Purna's, except mine doesn't have frills.

"You look pretty."

I turn to see that Blonde Boy has spoken to Purna. She blushes and her hand flutters to her mouth, "O-oh, you think so?" She stutters.

Blonde Boy nods and Purna smiles shyly. I realize my mouth is hanging open and quickly close it.

Purna is acting shy?!? And since when has Blonde Boy liked her?!?

I shake myself. Maybe I'm just jumping to conclusions. She really does look pretty. Maybe he's just being nice.

I come to the conclusion that he's just being nice, but on the way there I catch him putting his hand over hers.

We get out of the traffic and the drive speeds up. The choosing takes place in the middle of Dendo City, so it takes about five minutes to get there usually, but with the traffic we get there in about fifteen. I look out the window and see a stage with a podium and a microphone, banners with Dendo City's symbol on it and huge TV's behind and on either side of the podium, showing what's going on. Surrounding the stage is a huge crowd of people, all here to see if they are one of the seven. One of the chosen.

Me, Fulgur, Purna, Blonde Boy, Elf Girl, Mole, and Freckles all join the crowd, trying to get as close as we can. I step on someone's foot and someone zaps me as we make our way through the mob. By the time we stop moving everyone has arrived and it's time. Everyone quiets as the leader of Dendo City, Ms. Spitha, walks on stage and over to the podium. Her smiling face is beaming at us from the three TV's around her.

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