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"You're disappearance has sparked suspicions in Bella Swan." Carlisle tells Edward as everyone stood in the room. "I know you told Amanda that it wasn't her fault, but she still felt bad because of the way they are watched now."

"I didn't mean for that to happen." Edward says. "It was to leave for my thirst and to ignore Bella, but I'm curious as I can't read her mind."

Jasper sighed. "We know you didn't, but it's made Amanda feel really bad as her family was apart for a week. You don't see that Amanda likes all of us together and not apart." He says. "Knowing Bella is curious has Amanda freaking out over things that might happen. The Volturi, Nomads, the mutts on the Rez. Every scenario that she could think makes a lot of sense. A death sentence by the mutts and the Volturi and her death by the Nomads. Not once have you thought of that, but yet, you were more worried about your thirst than your own family...."

"Jasper, can you please come here?" Amanda says from their room. "I need your help."

"You're lucky she called." He said as he walked away.
Upstairs, Amanda stood in her towel as Jasper walked in, but stopped at the sight. "I heard you, Major." She says as she walked to the door and locked it. "That was nice of you."

"I'm just looking out for you, my love."

Amanda looked at him as the towel fell to the floor. "Thank god for sound proof walls because I think I want you now, Major."

"You know what happens when you call me Major, darlin'."

Amanda used her strength and tossed him on the bed. Jasper raised up just for Amanda to appear on top of him. "Nah uh." She tells him. "You're mine, Major."

Jasper loved it when she was in charged. Especially calling him major. "Come here, darlin'."
The next day, Amanda was by her locker trying to look through her books as she waited for Jasper. Bella saw her as Edward walked by angry. She walked over and cleared her throat. "Hi."

Amanda looked at her. "Hi?"

"I was wondering if you could see what I did to upset Edward." Bella says.

Amanda sighed. "You don't know my brother like I do. He doesn't open up for no one. Not even me." She tells her. "Now if you excuse me, I need to find my boyfriend."

Bella nodded as Amanda shut her locker and walked away. Jasper saw her causing her to run into his arms. "I saw Bella by your locker."

"Next time, be on time. I don't want to speak to her."

"Sorry, darlin', blame Emmett."


Amanda laughed as she hopped on Jasper's back. Bella watched the three leave and wondered about that family still. First Edward disappeared, and now his eyes are black. She needs to find out what is happening.
Outside, Amanda was looking through her notes when the wind blew. "You have got to be kidding me." She says. "Jasper, I'll be right back."

"Okay, darlin'." He said as he watched her walk out to gather her notes.

Amanda froze as she picked up her notes. Her vision showed her getting hit by the van. She looked towards the direction the van was coming and saw Tyler hitting black ice. Jasper looked to see the van heading to his wife. He ran at human speed and pulled Amanda back into him as the van barely missed them. "Are you okay?" He asked as Edward left to save Bella.

The light brown haired girl looked at the love of her life and kissed him. She was scared. Jasper held Amanda close as she pulled away and buried her face in his chest as she cried. "Is she okay?" Rosalie asked with worry.

"She's scared." He replies. "You deal with that as I take her home and get her to calm down."

Rosalie nodded as she got in her car as she was getting ready to leave to tell Carlisle what Edward just did and that Amanda was almost hit too. Jasper got in the back seat as he held Amanda as she cried. Emmett got in and saw them. "Let's go home because we may be having a meeting." He said. "Bella is now..."

"We already know." Amanda said. "Can we leave now?"

Emmett nodded as he turned the jeep on and backed out. Rosalie watched them leave as she followed behind before heading to the hospital. Edward knew he was in deep shit.

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