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The Cullens worse nightmare came true. Bella Swan knows what they are and today, Edward and Bella will talk about her knowing. Amanda looked out the window thinking of the mess that they were in. Rosalie walked in and put her arms around her. "What's wrong?"

"All this is a mess. Bella was supposed to never find out, but everything that I have seen is happening and I didn't want it too." She tells her. "Jasper knew about the vision and he knew that I wanted it to change. Yet, somehow, it didn't."

Rosalie smiled. "Well, we tried. That's all we can do. Edward was the one who got her curious." She tells her. "Now, let's talk about this precious baby."

"Baby Hale." She tells her. "Rosalie, I'm scared."

"So am I."

Jasper and Emmett looked at each other hating that their mates didn't like what was happening. They were scared and Jasper was worried about his wife as she was stressing. Something she shouldn't be worrying about.
Amanda stood watching her brother follow Bella into the woods. She sighed as she walked away. This was her fault. She should have said something, but that didn't happen. She kept her mouth shut and now, they are screwed. Jasper knew she was feeling guilty and kissed her head. "Baby, whatever the problem is, I want you to know that it's not your fault."


"Amanda Cullen, stop this." He says grabbing her shoulders. "Don't blame yourself. What happened was going to happen. No one is at fault besides Edward. He done this not you."


"Darlin', don't. Think about this baby and us."

Amanda nodded as he pulled her into his arms. She started crying as this man knew how to make her feel better. This wasn't her fault. She saw what was going to happen, but she held out hope that Edward wouldn't make it come true and yet, he wanted it this way. She pulled back and looked at him. "What now?"

"We'll just have to wait and see." He tells her giving her a forehead kiss. "I love you, Amanda."

"I love you, Jasper."

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