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When Amanda told them about the storm, she was hoping it would just be them as a family, but instead, Edward was bringing Bella making her stay in her room. Jasper walked in dressed to play till he saw that his wife wasn't ready. "Darlin? What's wrong?"

"Edward is bringing Bella and I'm not going." She says looking at him. "Daddy is still letting this happen. I'm not going and risking my child because of that stupid desperate whore." She looked back out the window. "The nomads can have her."

Jasper walked out of the room and downstairs. "You didn't tell me that Bella was joining." He spoke up causing them to look at him. "Amanda had to have a vision to see her coming and she's not too happy about it because she doesn't want her there. She wanted it to be a family outing, but that doesn't look like it's happening."

"Amanda needs to see that her brother is happy."

Hearing a crash caused them all to run upstairs. Jasper was the first in the room to see her bleeding. "Baby?" She looked at him with so much anger in her eyes causing Jasper to move to the side as he knew who she was pissed at.

"I need to see? Have you all forgotten who can see the damn future!" She screamed out. "I saw what is going to happen." She laughed evilly. "I hope to God you all learn your lesson after this because I'm not coming back."

Jasper watched her walk past them all causing him to smile. "I warned you. My word will be kept to my wife. I'm not going to back out knowing that she is in this pain because her parents are choosing a human over their daughter." He tells them as he looked at the room. "Sell it."

No one said a word as he walked out of the room. "Amanda, let's leave, darlin'."

"Really?" She asked as she walked over to him. "You really mean it? We're leaving?"

"And we're not coming back."

Amanda smiled as she kissed him. Jasper picked her up and carried her out of the house. This may be the last time they see them.

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