Chapter 3

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As their work day came to an end Moxxie and Millie locked hands, said goodbye to everyone, and happily began their walk home. You stayed behind with Loona and Blitz, quietly waiting for them to take their lead in the process of ending their day.

You watched as Loona finished filing a couple last minute things and Blitz closed up the office for the night. With a final loud click, the door was sealed and the three of you stood in the hallway that you had been in earlier.

"So Loona, Y/N, wanna have a movie night?" Blitz's eyes shined in the dark with excitement.
"Vortex invited me to a party tonight, so you guys don't wait up" Loona said, her eyes swimming in her phone.
"Oh, alright...well, looks like it's just you and I then, Y/N."
"I like movies, kind of interested to see what movies you've got in hell."

We finish our trip down the elevator and through the front doors of the building. Loona smiled back at us as she climbed into a car with another hellhound. Blitz ran up to their vehicle, practically throwing himself through the window, and warned the hellhound to protect Loona and have her home at a decent hour. You watch from a few feet away and couldn't help but chuckle at his parental side. It was kind of cute. The car floored away and Blitz re-took his place beside you in the parking lot. You copied his stride and ended up beside an old van that beeped as Blitz unlocked it. You naturally inched your way over to the passenger seat and clambered inside, Blitz hoping into the drivers spot. The engine of the van rolled over a couple times before igniting to life. Blitz patted the leather steering wheel proudly before flipping on the radio, music that could only have come from musicals filled the van, Blitz murmured and sang along quietly.

"You know- I really appreciate this, Blitz. I know we've only just met and this is a huge leap of faith inviting me into your home and I just hope you can understand how much it means to me, especially adjusting to...all this" you say, gently turning down the radio a few dials.

"Don't sweat it, Like I said I'm happy to. You seem like the type of person I can really get to like, you've got a great talent and I want to help you get settled in. Who knows, maybe you'll be an assassin with IMP someday."

"I don't know if I'm ready to...kill people....for a living" you admit, seeing Blitz shrug from the corner of your eye.

"You never know."

The rest of the drive was silent, just filled with the sound of show tunes that you'd never heard before and the innocent humming from Blitz beside you. You stared out the window onto the streets, you never exactly imagined hell being so organized and societal, it was a bit of a relief and made adjusting easier to handle.

The van turned into a parking lot for an apartment complex in a relatively decent part of Impcity.

"Primo parking!" Blitz laughed, driving over a curb and parking the van on an unmarked sidewalk. You let out a bit of a giggle while watching his face fill with pride as he jumped out of the car and went around to your side, opening your door for you and offering you a hand to assist your exit.

"Oh what a gentleman" you tease, his cheeks getting redder.
"Listen this place isn't much, I'll warn you now, but it's home" he declared as you both made your way into the building and up to the correct floor.

The apartment was quaint and relatively tidy. The floors consisted of black hard wood throughout the entirety of the home, the walls were painted a ruby red, and all of the furniture fit into the same color pallet of darkness or redness with a few random hints of white. The kitchen was small with a dining table already set for Blitz and Loona. The living room had a large black couch facing a TV  and on the farthest wall was a door decorated to indicate that it was Loona's room.

You quietly set yourself on the couch and took in the room around you as Blitz automatically made his way into the kitchen and started rummaging through the fridge. You couldn't recall the last time that you ate something and hadn't really noticed your hunger until now.

"Like I said," Blitz called from the kitchen, "it's not much. It's a one bedroom one bathroom. Loona has the bedroom...that couch you're on is a pull-out that I usually sleep on. It's all yours though, I can made due on the floor or something" you felt your heart sink at the idea of Blitz giving up his bed for you.

"No, no, no. Blitz I said if it was an issue that I'd..."

"It's not an issue" he protested.

"But it is. This is your bed, I'm not taking any ones bed."

"Here's the thing. You're sleeping in that bed. I decided that hours ago. Now here's something you can decide on. You can either let me sleep in the same bed, if you're comfortable, or I can sleep on the floor. That's a choice you can make."

You felt your face flush at the idea of Blitz and you sharing a bed. You'd never shared a bed with anyone before, not like this. You knew that it meant nothing, but for some reason your stomach churned. You couldn't tell if it was butterflies or hunger.

"I'd prefer for you to sleep in your own bed" you call.


~2 hours of snacking and watching horse movies later~

You yawned relentlessly, your body succumbing to exhaustion. It had been a long day, with dying and turning into an imp and all. You tried to blink away your sleepiness but each time you closed your eyes it was more difficult for them to open back up.

"Hey, hey" Blitz's voice cracked through your journey to fall asleep, "you can't be comfortable sleeping in those...give me a sec."

Blitz scurried out of the room and returned from the laundry room carrying a black shirt with a horse on it and a pair of red pajama pants. He tossed them onto your lap on the couch and gave you a small smile before going to change into pajamas himself.

With the laundry room door shut you quickly ripped off your clothing and tossed it into a pile on the floor before hastily throwing Blitz's lent pajamas over your flesh and settling back down on the pullout. A set of sheets and a duvet had never felt so comfortable before as you naturally nuzzled down into the fabric.

The sound of the laundry room door clicking open caught your attention. Blitz walked out with a pair of matching red pajama bottoms and no shirt. His bare chest was decorated with white areas as well. You lightly set your hand on your own white mark on your stomach and felt a million questions churning in your mind.

Blitz clicked off the TV followed by the lamp. In the darkness you couldn't see him, but you could sense and hear him navigating his way onto the pullout couch. The bed shook a bit as he got comfortable and finally settled beside you.

"Y/N, thanks for having a movie night with me. It's been a long time since someone just spent time with me, not expecting anything" Blitz whispered, his voice knocking on your almost asleep subconscious.

"I loved movie night, your horse obsession is dope" you jumbled your thoughts into it words before leaning over and pecking a gentle kiss onto his cheek, "goodnight Blitz with a silent O."

You tossed over gently and finally let the exhaustion run over your body, but right before you slipped into your dreams you felt Blitz's tail wrap around yours gently, then you faded into slumber.

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