-12 days later-
You clenched your teeth down into the hand towel until your saliva began to drench it. Your eyes squeezed shut and your brows furrowed in pain. You hissed into the gag as Loona meticulously took each stitch out of your side. You could feel each thread come loose and lightly tug on your skin before slipping out through the surface. You breathed and wished that you were passed out like you had been when they were put in.
"Alright, one more" Loona said as you felt the thread begin to pull uncomfortably and exit your skin, "there, good as new."
You let your eyes open and peer down at your side, your skin was closed tightly leaving a scar just below your rib cage. It was a light white color in contrast to your red skin. You spit the rag out of your mouth and let your body go completely limp before exhaling loudly.
"Thank fucking Satan" you chuckled lightly.
"Glad I could help," Loona stood up from the floor and made her way towards the kitchen. The sink began to spray as she washed her hands of the dried blood that speckled onto them.
You let your body flop forward and pulled yourself upwards from the floor. Once completely straightened you felt the strange pull of your skin without the stitches digging into it, it felt weak and tender. You placed one of your hands onto the healing wound for support and walked towards the balcony.
The sight from Blitz's balcony was a different part of the city, though you weren't sure what all the buildings contained it was still a sight that overwhelmed you with familiarity. You peaked down towards the ground to see a familiar car, it was Vortex patiently waiting for Loona. You couldn't help but feel a smile sprawl onto your face as you turned around and saw Loona drying her hands.
"Tex is here," you said cheerily.
"Already? Damn, sorry to leave like this, he wasn't supposed to be here for another hour," Loona explained, her face glowing red.
"Wait one sec," you said as you walked back into the living room, "so...tell me, what's going on? Does his girlfriend like you guys hanging out like this?" You pressed.
Loona pushed a strand of her hair out of her face and behind her ear before uttering, "he's uh...newly single."
"Oh! Is he now?" You giggled before walking up to Loona and wrapping your arm around her shoulders.
"Yes, okay? Just relax, we aren't dating. I'm just being a good friend and supporting him through his time of need."
"Sure, sure. I'm sure you're a really really really great 'friend'," you smirked as you used air quoted as you uttered friend.
"Oh shut up! I'll see you later?" Loona smiled as she threw the strap of her purse over her shoulder.
"Yeah, yeah. Be safe!" The door slammed behind your words.
You exhaled as you walked back toward the center of the living room, your body effortlessly flopping down into the couch. You'd been staying back and forth between your place and Blitz's, your mind rambling back and forth on what to do with your apartment. Part of you wanted to keep it, continue to live there and slowly build a real relationship with Blitz while another part of you wanted to drop your lease and jump into whatever complicated unofficial relationship Blitz could have waiting for you.
You pulled your phone out of your pocket and clicked on the screen. Your background stared back at you. It was a photo of you and Loona smiling widely as Loona held the phone. In the background Millie waved frantically and smiled largely while Moxxie and Blitz were in a heated argument, both of their faces coiled in disgust at one another. It was laughable and seeing the photo each time you got on your phone brought you an overwhelming sense of comfort and happiness. You wouldn't change your new life for the world, despite the constantly complicated relationship that you and Blitz continued to dabble with.

Helluva Distraction
Fanfiction18+ Reader X Blitzo Contains sexual sitatuons and discriptions, read at your own risk. This is loosely based off of the ongoing series Helluva Boss. I do not take any credit for the series or characters. This is a fan fiction written with already c...