Chapter 9

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Authors note: This chapter contains more sexual content. Readers descretion is advised.

You awoke to the sound of a gentle knocking echoing from the front door. Your eyes slivered open, you were still entangled with Blitz. Gently, you peeled yourself from him and made your way toward the front door.

    "How is he?" Moxxie asked as you cracked open the door. The M&M couple stood just beyond the threshold, a care package in their arms. You smiled and made way for them to enter the apartment.

    "He's okay," you gestured for them to follow you inside.

    Moxxie set the care package on the counter, Millie walked around the pull out couch and stared down with empathy at Blitz who was still fast asleep.

    "He looks better than I thought he would, he's a strong guy" Millie smirked.

    "He's gotten shot on the job before, hit him in the arm. But he's never gotten shot like...that before. I've never seen anything put him out of commission" Moxxie stood beside his wife.

    "Yeah...I don't think he'll be able to work for at least a few days. What should we do about the company?" you asked.

    "Mox and I can handle the hits as long as Loona is in to help out with the portals" Millie offered.

    "Okay, I'll come in and file, run business as usual."

    "Actually, I think somebody should stay here and take care of Blitz, keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid" Moxxie said, rubbing the back of his head.

    "That's a good idea" Loona said through her doorway, you weren't even aware that she was listening in.

    "So, it sounds like I'm on Blitz duty?" The three stared at you with gentle smiles and nodded in unison, "alright, I suppose I can handle that" you said, gently reaching down and pulling the covers over Blitz's chest. He shifted slightly in his sleep but didn't wake.

    You offered the IMP team Blitz's keys to his van and they were off for the day, they had two contracts to fulfill. Before they left you expressed your worry, pleading with them to be careful. They nodded with a deep understanding and headed out the door.

    You started cleaning up around the apartment a bit to pass the time, checking on Blitz every few minutes as he slept. His chest rose and dropped peacefully each time you looked, his sleeping position slightly changing with time.

    It was almost noon when you decided to go run Blitz a bath. His body was still caked with his dried blood and you needed to redress his wounds soon to make sure that they stayed clean and didn't get an infection. You walked to the bathroom, turned on the water at a mild temperature, and started to fill the tub. You collected a couple supplies from the medicine cabinet such as gauze, new bandages, and ointment and set them all beside the bathtub. Once the tub was nearly full, you cranked off the water and headed toward the living room to wake him but to your surprise Blitz wasn't on the pullout anymore.

    "Blitz?" you called throughout the apartment.

    "Hm?" he responded walking out from the laundry room wearing one of his business suits.

    "What are you doing?"

    "Getting ready to go to work, we're late" he complained, adjusting his tie.

    "Blitz, you aren't going to work. You need to lay back down and take some time."

    "We have clients we have to service today, I don't have time for this boo boo baby bullshit. Let's go, where are my keys?" he demanded, his hand over his wound, his face trying to hide his pain.

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