Chapter 12

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You wandered the streets of hell turning random corner after random corner. You figured it could be a useful opportunity to adjust to your surroundings and get an idea of where things were located. Within just a few blocks was a building covered in neon lights called "lost spirits". You wandered through the crowd in the streets and made your way beyond the door.

It was a pretty typical bar, TV's everywhere flipped to different channels, bar stools, tall tables, a large fully stocked bar in the center of the room. You shuffled your way through people listening to a couple grunts and groans as you apologized profusely before making your way to an empty seat at the bar. A tall muscular devil stood behind the bar in a black T-shirt vigorously shaking a drink before pouring it in a glass and sliding it across the bar. He looked in your direction, smiled, pointed, and mouthed "be right there". You nodded gently and thought of what you wanted, your mind still racing with embarrassment.

"What can I get ya?" He walked over and asked, setting both hands on the counter.

"Can I just get a shot of vodka?"

"Comin up" he smiled before grabbing a shot glass and filling it to the brim. You grabbed it, tapped it on the table, and tipped it back. The flaming hot taste blazed on your tongue and tingled down your throat until it began a flame in your chest.

"Ya know what? Can I just get three more?" You asked, he laughed a bit and nodded before going to work at pouring your drinks.

"Rough day in paradise?" He laughed as he slid each small glass over to you.

"Oh you have no idea. I thought life was complicated, then you die and come down here to deal with this shit?" You downed each shot one by one.

"At least we have alcohol" he nodded before sliding another shot your way. You tilted it at him, winked and swallowed it.

"You're damn right. I'm Y/N, what's your name?" You asked.

"Cyrus"he smiled.

"Well good to meet you. Can I ask you a question, Cyrus?" You asked, your chest fully blazing now.

"Have at it."

"Are there any decent apartments around here? Looking for a new place to live."

"I live over on Knox road, still in Impcity, just about five minutes away from here in the Engulf Village apartments, they're not too bad."

"Engulf village apartments? Okay...I'll have to check those out."

"They're good enough, for hell and all" he smiled.

"I bet," you reached in your pocket looking for cash and it suddenly hit you that you still didn't have a dime, "fuck me...i, Uh, fuck."

"Are you going to drink and dash on me,
Y/N?" He smirked

"Im sorry, can I use your phone to call someone or..."

"I got you covered, just for the one time since you've had a shitty day."

"Fuck, thank you, thank you so much" you stood feeling your legs begin to wobble and the heat from your chest run down your body.

"Remember, Engulf Village apartments on Knox Road" he called out to you as you began to walk away. You pointed at him playfully.

"I got it, I fuckinnnn got it."

You walked down the road watching as the pentagon sun began to slowly go down and the night began to swallow the streets. You felt the alcohol resting at the back of your head and deep in your chest, it was just the relief that you were hoping for.

You did your best to walk in a straight line and appear sober, but by the reflections in the windows around you you weren't doing a very convincing job. You stared around looking for a store that would be selling a computer and couldn't find a potential candidate, disappointment started to fill you until you saw into a coffee shop. An imp sat inside at a table, a laptop proudly displayed in front of them.

"Fuck me," you whispered under your breath before slowly walking into the shop, the smell of coffee beans sobering you slightly as you made your way over to the counter to order something.

"What can I get for you? We close in like five minutes" a creature snarled from behind the register.

"Can I just get a water?" You smiled, she rolled her eyes angrily before snatching a cup and walking over to the sink.

"Have a great fucking day" she glimmered as she shoved the now full cup into your hands. You gave her a fake smile back and began to walk toward the imp who clicked away at their keyboard. You took a deep breath and decided to make your move.

You faked a small trip and poured the water onto their lap completely soaking their clothes. They flinched in shock then turned their attention toward you, anger blazing from their eyes.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" They snarled.
"Fuck, I am so sorry, please let me help you."
"Just fuck off" they yelled, standing and rushing over toward the bathroom down the hallway. You took a quick glance around, shutting their laptop and shoving the device up your shirt before bolting out of the coffee shop and down the street toward Blitz's apartment.

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