Chapter 30

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You woke up to the taste of copper in your mouth, dried blood dusted over your lips. Your entire body ached, the dryness of the mouth made it nearly impossible to speak. You cracked your exhausted eyes open, exposing them to the bright sunlight that cascaded through the window. You were in bed. Blitz's bed, back at his apartment. The familiarity of your surroundings immediately brought you immense comfort despite the overwhelming feeling of pain that spread from your new stab wound.

You let your hands rest beside your hips and then with as strong of a push as you could muster you attempted to push yourself up into a sitting position, the pain immediately rang through your body and you fell back into a flat position on the bed. Your body stung, your head began to pound harder than before, you hissed in pain and regret.

"Hey, hey, don't do that, you need to slow down," Blitz's voice called from the kitchen area before he came to attend to you, "you're finally awake, I was getting a little worried there," Blitz rounded the couch and stood beside it, his caring eyes staring down at you.

"Don't let him fool you, he was a complete fucking emotional wreck," Loona called as she walked out of her bedroom and into your line of view.

"I..." your voice was rough, dry, and weak as you fought to form words, "I'm sorry for-for."

"Shh," Blitz traced your face gently, "you didn't do anything wrong. You're one badass bitch, Y/N, I'm proud of you" he reached down and gently held your hand.

"M&M chased that fucker out of town and Stolas is taking care of the entire wife hiring a hit man situation, so hopefully he won't be a problem again," Loona explained.

You titled your head downward to see yourself in a sports bra, the underneath of your ribs were wrapped tightly in a bandage. It was ironic, you thought, that just a few months ago Blitz was In this very same position in this very same spot. You almost wanted to laugh but withheld, scared of the pain it would cause.

You gulped down saliva harshly before saying, "I should have paid more attention, killed him while I had the chance."

"If you think about all the things you could have done you'll never appreciate the things you did do," Blitz gave you a soft smile, "like how you took that stab like a fucking champ and how you talked down to that motherfucker."

"This isn't my first time being stabbed," you winked and smiled at Blitz who gently gave your hand a squeeze, "and it probably won't be my last."

"Can you at least tell me it'll be your last, just to make me feel better?" Blitz chuckled lightly.

"Deja' vu."

Blitz lifted your blanket gently and slid into the bed beside you as carefully as he could. You let your aching body rest against his, his presence bringing you immense comfort. He turned his body towards you and ran his fingers through your hair, pushing the stands behind your ears and scratching at the base of your horns.

"I want to protect you," he stated before resting his hand lightly on your bandage, "and I hate when I fail."

You turned your head towards him and returned his gaze before furrowing your brow and saying, "Blitz, you didn't fail me, okay? Shit happens."

"And I'll make sure that it never happens again," his stare connected with your wound again.

"Hey," you got his attention, "just kiss me." Blitz smiled before pressing his lips onto yours, his kiss familiar and warm against your lips. Your stomach fluttered with excitement and anxiousness as he parted his lips and began kissing you deeply, his hand cupping your cheek. You began to lightly moan in pleasure as he continued to kiss you passionately.

"Are you getting wet?" He stopped and smiled wickedly. You felt your face begin to blush.

"How about you find out?" You tease.

"You want me to fuck your brains out? Make your cut bust back open and start bleeding everywhere again? Maybe I'll even fuck your new hole, if you're into that," he growled.

"Blitz!," you shriek in embarrassment as he continued to smile widely.

"Can you two maybe not fuck while I'm in the next room? And maybe not fuck while she has a huge slash in her side still?" Loona angrily yelled from her room.

"No promises," Blitz called back. He leaned into you gently, your face resting into his jaw and collarbone. You breathed him in, relief washing over you as he continued to comfort you. The overwhelming pain in your body slowly subsided as you focused on his touch.

"How bad is it?" You asked.

"Your cut? He got you pretty good. You've got ten stitches in your side right now," he explained.

"You're welcome!" Loona called.

"She stitched you up, did a really nice job. You'll be good as new in no time."

Suddenly there was a distinct knock on the door, it echoed through the apartment. Blitz gently slid out from your touch and straightened himself up.

"It's nothing but business, baby," Blitz said before walking toward the door. You wanted to turn and look but your body wouldn't let you. You froze as you heard the door swing open and the distinct voice cheerily speak from the doorway.



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