-meanwhile at Blitz's apartment-
"Where the FUCK have you been!?" Blitz's voice filled the room, shaking the light fixtures before he ran and pulled Loona into a tight embrace, "I-I thought I lost you, you weren't picking up your phone-I..."
"Blitz, relax," Loona interrupted, "I was with
Y/N..." she said under her breath."What..." Blitz's voice had grown cold, a mixture between confusion and sadness rested in his words. Loona rubbed her arm and awkwardly tried to make her way into her bedroom to escape but Blitz blocked the door.
"Why were you with Y/N?"
"I wanted to check on her, make sure she was alright."
"But you weren't here for your own dad?" Blitz said angrily, crossing his arms and glaring into Loona's eyes.
"Oh! Im sorry, am I confused? Were you the one who got cheated on? Because last time I checked that was Y/N!" Loona scolded.
"Hey, hey, hey, slow it down there speed racer, Y/N did not get cheated on. You can't cheat on someone when you're not dating them" Blitz smiled smugly.
"So if Y/N went out and was making out with someone else, you'd be cool with that?" Loona asked crossing her arms.
"What? Why? Did she?" Blitz asked in a panic.
"No you dumbass! That's the problem, you two are...complicated, but you were well aware that that shit would hurt her and you still fucking did it! I can't believe she still loves you!" Loona yelled.
"She still loves me? How do you know that she...she still loves me?"
"She told me...last night."
The room began to drown in silence as Blitz began to pace back and forth, hands clasped behind his back. Loona's eyes followed his path, back and forth and back and forth.
"Engulf Village apartments, huh?" Blitz's words finally cracked through the room.
"Dad...Blitz, I, I mean...just give her some space, she deserves some space."
"Space? Fucking space?!," he slammed his fists on the table, "how am I just supposed to give her space? Just let her go? What if...what If that was it. What If I never get to see her again?" Blitz's voice grew shaky.
"She'll be at work on Monday."
"How do you know?"
"She told me."
Blitz exhaled loudly and let himself crouch down towards the floor, resting his head in his hands. Loona walked toward him, squatting down in front of him and setting a paw on his shoulder.
"Hey, everything's gonna be alright...I mean, you've gotta admit, you kind of deserve this..."
"I know. I fucking know. Stolas fucking used his magic bullshit to freeze me and then he just starts making out with me and of course Y/N had to be right there. I'm just...I'm always gonna be a fucking pawn he uses to fulfill his fucking weird bird needs."
"Blitz..you didn't kiss him?"
"I mean my lips touched his so..."
"But YOU didn't choose to kiss him! Haha!" Loona began laughing hysterically, covering her face with her paws to muffle her chuckles.
"I know it's sooooo funny that your dad got fucking bird mind game bullshit placed on him, hilllllarious, Looney!"
"No, no. Listen. Y/N will understand. This is all just a huge misunderstanding and everything will be fine, don't you get that? YOU didn't kiss Stolas!"
"I mean, I still invited him there. I should have just told Y/N, I shouldn't have tried to fix this bullshit on my own."
"Okay, well you can tell her that later. Explain all this shit to her on Monday and everything should be just fine" Loona sighed.
"Why are you so relieved?"
"Feels good to know my dad isn't a complete fucking asshole" Loona laughed, shutting her bedroom door behind her.

Helluva Distraction
Fanfiction18+ Reader X Blitzo Contains sexual sitatuons and discriptions, read at your own risk. This is loosely based off of the ongoing series Helluva Boss. I do not take any credit for the series or characters. This is a fan fiction written with already c...