Chapter 38

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With a bright flash of light a portal leaked from the brick wall and a tall figure bent down significantly, stepping through the wall. Stolas stood in front of everyone and adjusted his jacket, dusting his hands down it until it was perfectly straight once again. He cupped his hands together in front of his figure and stared around the room, taking in everyone in attendance before speaking.

"Y/N, what's going on?" he asked cooly before he strode across the room towards you.

"I need to know if you can open a portal leading to someone without having prior knowledge as to where they are. So say you wanted to go see me but didn't know where I was, could you just make a portal leading to me?" you asked. He winced his eyes slowly and a smug smile hinted on his beak.

"Who are you trying to find?" he asked as he bent over at his waist, his face got down to your level, his eyes glowing and burning into yours as he maintained eye contact.

"Nero, he's forty six years old and just died three days ago, he's down here somewhere."

"And what is it that you want with this, uh, Nero?" he asked, his hand whimsically circling within the air.

"He's the reason I'm down here...he killed me."

"Ah, I see, so he's the mugger. Well little Imp, do you mind coming with me?" he asked, motioning toward Blitz's empty office.

"Uh...sure" you said, your eyes staring at Blitz with anxiety. He furrowed his brow and shrugged, his eyes darting at Stolas and they began to study him.

Stolas took long steps toward Blitz's office, bending down under the door frame and entering it smoothly. You followed slumpily and nervously, you tried to focus on breathing in your nose and out of your mouth. Your heart thundered in your ears so loudly that you could barely hear Stolas close the door behind you.

Stolas took a seat on one of Blitz's wooden chairs within the office, his tall frame and long legs could barely fit within the seat. You rounded Blitz's desk and plopped down onto Blitz's black leather chair. You felt comfort in being on the opposite side of the desk, the side that Blitz typically inhabited. It made you feel powerful, in charge.

"So, little imp, may I ask you a question?"


"Why is it that you want to kill this man who killed you? I can safely assume that he died because of the injuries that he sustained from you, correct? So is it not fair to say that you both already killed each other?" he asked, his hands clasped together properly on his lap, a cheerful smile spread across his face.

"Well, yes. He went into a coma and died...but that's not the point. I attacked him to defend myself, he attacked me to rob me. He was planning to kill me and he did, I wasn't planning to kill him. I didn't have a choice!" You yelled, placing your hand on your chest.

"I understand that but let me ask you another question, if I may. Do you not enjoy your life that you've established here in Hell?"

"What? Of course I do," you shrilled, your fingers running over your engagement ring as you gently twisted it side to side.

" it safe to say that possibly dying could have been the best thing to happen to you? Or was your life so grand in the human world? I must know. You see, the moment that Blitz began talking about you I did some research into your past. Divorced parents, barely any money, a real struggle to get by. No job, no college education, no passion, no friends. And then you died and woke up here. Now you have money, a job, a home, and a fiance. May I ask you then, why not let this incident go? Continue to live here and ignore the fact that this man killed you. Everyone you meet here is down here for one reason or another, no one from earth is a saint here, including you."

You remained quiet for a moment, thoughts rattling your mind. You felt hotness sprawl against the back of your head, tears welling behind your eyes. You dropped your head and stared at the ring that adorned your finger. You accepted the things that Stolas had said, including the fact that he was correct.

"I just don't want to see him...I don't want to run into him, I don't want him to come after me or the people that I love. I'm nervous. It would make me feel better if he wasn't here," you admitted sheepishly.

"Let me do you a favor, Y/N," you smirked as he lifted his arm and gently let it streak across the air. From his fingertips came a substance that stuck to the air almost like a portal but it was different. It showed a part of town that you were unfamiliar with. Many Imps, demons, and creatures walked down the sidewalk. There through the crowd of people you saw him, Nero. He walked throughout the streets secretly reaching into pockets of those who passed by. He gathered coins, gum, phones, keys, and shoved them into his pockets with a smile.

"I see nothings changed," you snarled as you watched him continue to steal, "Can he see us or hear us?"

"It appears not. But it seems as though you were just another one of his victims, I doubt that he even remembers your appearance or could distinguish you among a crowd."

"You're probably right..." you admitted as you continued to stare, "can he see or hear us?" you asked.

"No, not through this type of portal, it's a one way." He explained. You nodded, understanding.

Suddenly you watched as he snuck down an alleyway and crouched behind a dumpster. He shoved his hands in his pockets and turned them inside out, allowing the contents to stumble onto the ground. He ran his hands over his collected loot and began organizing it, throwing wrappers and buttons to the side as he flipped through a wad of cash he had collected. He straightened the bills and folded the money before snagging his wallet out of his waistband. He opened the wallet and shoved the money into it before you noticed something strange. Within his wallet there was a small slot for a photo and within that slot was a photo It was you.

"Blitz!" you called towards the door, it flung open immediately, he had been waiting just outside of the door. Blitz came to your side as Moxxie and Millie walked in behind him.

"What the fuck is that?" he asked as Stolas zoomed into the wallet.

"Oh my...perhaps I was wrong."

"He's got a photo of ya in his wallet? Why do you think he..."

"He has to have gotten it down's the picture from your file" Moxxie explained.

"How the fuck did he get that?" Blitz hissed between his teeth.

"He looked her up in the database somehow, he must have," Stolas grimaced.

You thought about your file, about the information that was listed. Your place of work. Your address. Your name. Everything that could have been recorded about the life you had established down here was jotted down.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!" you slammed your fists onto the table.

"Y/N, he's gotta be comin' after ya, there just ain't no way," Millie said, her hands grabbing at her gun, a seriousness plastered onto her face.

"I suppose we continue on with our plan then? Kill him before he gets to you?" Moxxie nodded.

You glanced over at Stolas to see his face softening. He reached his hands upwards and closed the portal that was floating in the air, he then dusted his hands against his jacket. He clasped his hands together and took a deep breath before opening his eyes and giving you a genuine smile.

"So, when shall we kill him?" 

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