Him again

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^blakes pic^
-alleys pov-

"Shhhh it's okay alley" Aidan told me

Right then I heard footsteps I look back in there he was Blake

"What the hell happened"?!!! He yell and I started to cry thinking of Austin again.

Blake saw me crying and calmed down and came and pulled me away from Aidan and into his chest.

"Shhh princess it's okay he won't hurt you again I promise" Blake whispers to me.

"B-Blake-"I Tried to speak

"It's okay I got you" Blake Tried to clam me

"Aidan well you get the car I'm driving her home" Blake told Aidan.

"Blake you have a race in 10 minutes" Nike told Blake

"I don't care! I'm going to take care of her" he yelled

"N-no" I said to Blake "I'm f-fine" I tried to stop crying.

"No your not alley and I'm not letting that asshole be around you" he told me

Well your prolly like wait how's he now Austin talked to me and all that well Brent told him the story when I stared to cry.
Anyways I was really trying to keep it together.

I could see Austin walking my way when all the guys but Aidan who was siting with me all the guys got In front of me and Aidan.

"Aidan take alley to my car I'll be there in a minute I got to take care of something" Blake told Aidan

Aidan picked me up again and walked off with me in he's arms. I wasn't crying no more but still sad about everything going on.

Aidan put me in the car and got in the drivers seat and just sat there in silence. I was thankful he broke it.

"Alley how do you know Austin" Aidan asked me

I froze I didn't want to talk about Austin but sooner or later I'll have to tell him.

"I dated him" I say slowly.

He was quite. I think it was weird telling all this stuff about me when I don't even know him. But hey he did save me from getting punched by Austins guy.

"Alley" Blake opened my door so he could see me.

"whatever Blake" I knew what he was going to say he was sorry about Austin. I just can't stand him he hurt me in a way I cant explain. After what happened with me and Austin Blake promised me he would never let him hurt me again.

"I'm sorry alley" Blake looked me in the eyes

"Can we just go home please blake" I said with tears in my eyes. I couldn't cry not right now in front of everyone.

Blake shut my door. And walked around to where the guys. I was to in to talking with Blake I didn't even see Aidan get out of the car he was now talking to all the guys. I just sat there thinking about everything Austin had done to me. He was scary. I never know what he was cable of in tell that night. Tears start to run done my face of the memories playing in my head. I wipe the tears looking around so the guys don't see me crying.

He can't do this not again.

Right then Blake got in the car and started it. "You okay?"

"I will be once we get home" a take a breath and let it out trying to relax.

The ride was quite I liked it tho it was nice to just think. I could tell Blake was thinking about something too. I turned on the radio to pass sometime.

We got home and mom car was parked in front. That's weird she left for work this morning and said she would be back at 6:00. Maybe something happened. I could tell Blake was thinking the same thing.

We walked to the front door and opened it. It looked like no one was home.
"Mom" I called

Me and Blake walked in to the kitchen and still she was not in there.

"Hey I'm going to my room I have some things to take care of" Blake told me

"Okay I'm going to find mom" I told him

He walked up stars to his room which was across my room.

"Mom where are you" I ask but no answer ever came.

I walked in her room opening the door. Omg omg omg omg help I was stuck. I screamed. My mother was laying on the floor blood all over her. I ran to her to see if she had a pulse. Blake came running in the room he ran over to me and pushed me back to get to our mom.

He just sat there crying like me. She was gone. Blake pulled me out of the room and I just ran back in to she my mom. I couldn't just leave her like that.

Blake got his phone and called 911 they can in to look at mom but I just sat there cry my heart out. Police officers came in one by one coming up to my mom trying to help her.

"Please come with me miss" one police man told me. I couldn't go I was frozen. I couldn't move I couldn't talk I just wanted my mom. Blake could tell I was not going to move. He came to me and picked me up bridal style. He carried me in his arms up the stairs to his room. He put me on his bed.

I watched as he went to his closet and got big duffel bags he started to pack everything in his room. I could tell he was crying.

"B-Blake" I didn't know what to say at the time.

"Yeah" he asked

"W-what now" I need to know what was going to happen. Where would we go now.


Hey guy so a lot happened in this chapter! Do you like it should I keep going???? Where do you think alley and Blake will go now?
Please comment tell me what you think!

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