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I was still walking in the bad part of some town I'm really not sure where I'm at.

All I know at the moment is I want to be with Aidan with someone I know that won't judge me that with help me.

I don't know where I'm walking I really don't.

I still hate all the memories I'm getting it hurts my head. I'm kinda dizzy from all the memories coming so fast.

I feel weak from not eating. My legs keep cramping on me. And my eyes are burning from my blurred vision.

I'm sure I look like crap but I really don't care at this point.

People stare at me as I walk past.  They probably think I'm a homeless or some shit which I kinda I'm.

"Alley..." A sad voice ask behind me

I look back but my eyes start to water and I can't see much

"A-aidan" I could barely say his name

I run to him he opens his arms to hug me.

I jumped in his arms but my legs where weak and I would have fell if Aidan wasn't holding me.

He picked me up in his arms and started to walk a different way.

I couldn't talk. My voice was so low it hurt. Ever thing hurt to much

(She passed out in his arms)


(She is asleep this is her dream)

"I want to go home Blake"


We drove for what seems like hours but it was only really like 30 mins or so

Austin... That's all I could think about. It hurt to think of the time we spend together the days so long but yet still to short.

I want that time back I need to forget it though it only hurts more when I think about it and the moments we shared.

But soon I'm pulled form my thoughts as we get home.

my moms car was there

I looked for her  in the house every place I could think of.

I find her body with blood everywhere. I run to her need to be close to her to here her heartbeat but that didn't happen.

I didn't know what to do so I screamed and cried

Soon I'm being pulled away from her but I run back to be dragged out by Blake.

(Wakes up screaming)

"Alley it's ok....I'm here Beautiful.... Calm down alley" Aidan spoke words to me but I couldn't here him to much was going through my mind. I wasn't crying or screaming now I just started at a wall. I don't know where im at. But all I do is look at the wall.

Walls are great they don't die on you.
Walls are color full.
Walls are nice.
Walls are funny.
Walls can be stupid.
Walls can love.
This was all I could think about.

I didn't know what was going on tell I was being lefted out of bed and being carried.

Aidan carried me to the bathroom were he stripped my clothes of but not sexual he got the bath water running.

He put me down in the bath carefully.

I could finally think a little straighter in the water.

"Alley" he spoke softly

I looked at him to see a sad face

"Alley I think you where in shock or something I'm not sure"

I look to the water feeling weak.

"Alley can you look at me" he asked softly

I look up at him.

" Beautiful can you speak"

I nod my head

"Please Say something for me"

I look in to he's blue eyes

"I-it h-hurts" I stutter my words. It hard to speak but I'm trying for him

"I know baby girl...I know"

He toke me out of the bath and dried me of with a towel. He grabbed my bag I had and got me comfortable close to put on he helped me dress myself.

After that he picked me up again and brings my in the room and puts me on the bed.

Tears fill my eyes. It hard to hold back tears that want out. It's like trying to lock a tiger away when he sees a rabbit it just won't work you'll end up dead.

"Alley..." Aidan spoke softly.

But that was it for me i broke my tears fell so fast i couldn't control them.

Aidan came over to me on the side of the bed. He picked me up and set me on his lap on the bed. He rubbed small circles on the side of my stomach.

"Shhhhh it's ok baby girl. I got you and I won't let anyone hurt you. It's ok alley.shhh" he whispered sweet words to me.

" j-just don't l-let go" I cry the words out.

" I wasn't planning on it baby girl"


Ok who else is in love with Aidan right now? Me!!!!!

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