Just give her some time

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Pic of Adam
😎Blakes pov😎

Alley stared at her food looking sick. She has been really pale she won't talk, eat, or sleep. She's really got me worried. Now that moms gone I have to do everything I can to protect her and get her through this. I'm not going to lie I'm a mess I don't know what to do but I have to try for her. She's means everything to me she's all I have now.

"Um may I be excused" she asked looking at Alex

"Of course honey" Alex told alley sweetly

Alley walked to the stars then ran up them. No looking to good.

"Do you think she will be all right Blake" Alex asked me worried.

"Yeah just give her some time" I tried to not worried her more than she needed to.

But to tell you the truth I'm so worried about alley. Ever seen she's fond mom she won't eat she's hasn't been sleeping . She's not talking to anyone it's killing me to see her like this.

I didn't eat much after alley left I'm trying to let her have some time to calm down. She's like mom always wants her space when she's upset.

I better go make sure she's okay.

"I'm not really hungry...." I tried to make some thing up.

" Oh of course go ahead" alex know what I was getting at.

I walked up the stairs and down the hall to her room I opened the door to see her laying on her bed asleep.

Thank god. Maybe she'll sleep tonight good. I hope so if she keeps going without sleep she'll make herself sick.

I walked in and came next to her on her bed and covered her in a blanket and kissed her forehead.

" Goodnight princess" I always call her that ever since our dad left he called her that and ever time her eyes got brighter than ever. But I haven't seen her eyes as bright lately.

"Hey" Damon was standing at alleys door.


He came in by her bed where I was.

"Are you okay man"

"Ya I'm fine"

"Okay well I'm going to bed just want to see is you guys were good" he stared to walk out of the room.

"Ya were good I'm going to bed to" I walked out of her room and went to my room but felt like I should have stayed with alley for some reason.

I pulled my shirt and pants off and going my bed with just my boxers on. I fell asleep almost instantly. I was so tired I have been up with alley for the last couple days.

✔️James pov✔️

I was asleep when someone screaming woke me up. I jumped out of bed and ran to see what was going on.

I can To the hall and saw everyone in there rooms asleep. I walked to the next room by my room to see alley siting in a ball crying and shaking like crazy.

"Alley are you okay" I ran to her


I pulled her in a hug to try to calm her down. Just now I realize how small she is she looks like she hasn't eaten in days.

"Shhh alley it okay" she was shaking like crazy. I just keep hugging her.

"S-s-she's g-gone" she told me I had no clue what she was talking about.

"It's okay alley it's okay"


After a while I finally calmed her down. She was about to fall asleep and I got up to go to my room.

"James?" She asked


"Will you stay with me" her eyes were begging me


I climbed in the bed with her and she moved closer to me. She was by my side fast asleep I didn't want to go to sleep yet even though I'm exhausted I wanted to stay awake I liked being close to her ever though I don't really know her I feel like I need to be here with her.

O god what it happening to me I'm turning in to a girl.

I smiled at her she is so beautiful with her big brown eyes and her dark brown hair thAt fell to her back right before her butt. And not to mention she has a damn good looking body.

I wish she would talk more though but I know she going through thing right now even though I don't know what she's going through.

I'm going to help her get through whatever.

Soon I'm fast asleep just like alley.

🎀alley pov🎀

When I woke up my head was killing me I looked around and saw James in bed with me remembering everything that happened last night.

I had woke up from a nightmare about mom. The nightmares just would not go away. When I got up I went to the my bathroom and I felt like screaming I was so mad that my mom won't be here when I go on dates or get married or have kids. She's gone.

Me and my mom were really close.

I haven't done this in a long time but I just couldn't hold it in I fond a blade and started to cut my arms,legs and stomach. It felt good but then all a sudden I got really dizzy i fell to the ground.

My body stared to burn. I couldn't move but at the same time I didn't fell everything around me it was just me.

My breath started to slow down tell I felt like I couldn't breath no more.
But just for a second just a small second I swear I saw mom and Jared it killed me seeing them again.

My eyes start to close and I let them I'm done fighting. I'm lost. I can't do this no more it's killing me.

I heard footsteps by the door. No don't come in please just let me be I say I my head. Let me be let me go I need to be with my mom and Jared.

"Alley are you ok" I heard James ask worried

I couldn't speak or even open my eyes.

"Alley open the door" he tried again but like I said I couldn't do anything right now.

"Alley I'll brake the door down"

"Alley" he yelled

Soon the door is kicked down just like he said he ran to me yelling for help. I heard more feet running to the bathroom where I lay.

"Help someone call an ambulance now"he yell

"Alley please stay with me" James put his hand on my arm try to stop the bleeding.

"Alley" Blake yells

But after that everything went blank.


Hey hope you like it I'm really trying to make it good! 😃I really really hope you like it please please comment and vote. I would really like to know what you guys think! Thank you!!!!

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