It all ended to soon

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I'm so stupid. I hate myself. Why do I have to be such a dick.

" dude she's not in her room" Parker yelled at me

" she couldn't have gotten far" I yell back

" who's calling Blake?" Asked jake

" I'll call him you guy go try and find her" Damon said

We all ran to are cars and drove off to find alley.

I have to find her this is all my fault.
If it wasn't for me she would be here right now. I'm such an asshole.

We all went in different directions to look for alley.


" I need help"

" what's wrong? wheres Blake are you guys ok"

" i don't know but please Aiden help me
I have to get away form here"

"alley what happened"

"Aiden please.....I-I need you"

"Then I'm coming to get you I'll be there in a few hours"

" thank you so much Aiden"

" just promise me something"


" don't do anything stupid please"

" promise"

We went off the call I was walking towards a bad part of the town trying to get far away from everything that has happened.

Im tired of fighting it hurts to much I need to go home and find my mom and be with her.

Maybe I'm going crazy but I can't help but think she's still alive. I still have her phone number I'm my contacts. I'd still like to think if I called the number she would answer.  Just like when I when to camp for the summer. I mean we I get home I'll find her she'll be waiting for me to tell her everything that had happened well I was gone.

Home. Just focus on home.

I keep walking trying to avoid the people. I pull my hoodie over my head to hid as much as I could.

As I walk my past and ever happy, sad, amazing, horrible memory comes crashing on me.


" mommy mommy"

" yes sweetie"  my mom came out of the  kitchen with an apron on.

" were is Jared and Blake mommy?"

" there getting ready we are having some people over for dinner"

"Oh" I say question who would be coming over.

I went to my room and put on a dress my mom had got me. It was a light blue color that went to my knees. I ran down stairs hearing the door bell. My brothers where already down stairs they even dressed up to they had button up shirts blakes was blue and Jareds was black they look really nice in there jeans and boots my mom had gone them.

My mom was wearing a dress with heals un like me in flats.

My mom opened the door to let the people in. At that time I saw a boy about Jareds age and another boy blakes age.

" kids why don't you go play in the yard well we chat a bit" my mom suggest

We all said ok and went to the back yard to play. On are way out one of the boys pushed me down the stairs of are patio.

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