I cant do this

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😎Blakes pov😎

I sat in waiting room with Alex and her kids. John had very important work meetings.

Why would she do this again. I should of watched her more then see wouldn't be in this hospital. When James was yelling for help I ran to alleys room to see her in her bathroom blood everywhere. She wouldn't even open her eyes.

Her sin was ice cold and her face got paler than ever. God please please don't let her go. Last time she almost killed herself. I can't let her. She's all I have.

Doctors walk in and out. I can't take it I don't know what I'm going to do if they don't come out and tell me she's okay.

I close my eyes breathing in and out trying to calm my anger. But it's to late the next thing I know is I'm punching the wall.

Parker And jake are pulling me back.

"Blake stop" jake yells

"Dude she's going to be alright" Parker yelled

"No... No she can't not again" yelling in my head to please let this be a nightmare. Please don't tell me my sister didn't make it again. Not again. No no no I yell over and over in my head.

I start to walk to the doors. Parker and James behind me.

I just need so air now before I can can't control myself again and hurt someone.

I sit on the pavement my eyes filled with tears they start to fall. I pull my head in my hands and cry I cry for alley I cry for mom and for Jared.

"She'll be okay Blake" Parker patted my back

"No you don't get it Parker" i try to keep calm once again.

"What do you mean" James asked

"She's done this before" I cry even more

"What why how" James tried to keep calm too I could see it in his eyes he was angry.

"She almost killed herself" I cried continued what I was saying

"I was the one who fond her" I slam my fists in the ground. "It's all my fault I should of took care of her she shouldn't be in this hospital"

"Blake it's not your fault she did it to herself" Parker said

"But I could have stopped it dammit" I screamed.

"Blake calm down" Parker yelled back at me.

"Hey umm Blake there letting alley have visitors" Alex had came out to tell me.


I got up and walked in the hospital doors making my way to the waiting room.

Everyone was still in there waiting to see what was going to happen next.

I walked up to the front desk and asked the lady.

"Could you help me find the room number for my sister?" Tears coming back filling my eyes as I try to keep them from falling but it's to late.

"Yes what's her name" the lady asked me.

"Alley Grace"

"Oh yes she is in room 214"

I thanked her and made my way to 214




That's her room. I put my hand on the door handle and pull it open.

There she was laying in a bed she look pale. There where bandages on her where she had cut which was pretty much everywhere. Her stomach are arms her legs everywhere.

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