"She looks cute when shes asleep"

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When we got to the truck she got in and sat by in the middle of me and Blake.

She looks so tired. She slowly lend her head on my shoulder she was trying not to fall asleep but I know she needs it.

"It's ok go to sleep I'll wake you up when we get there" I told her. She didn't answer. But I Watch as her eyes fall.

She's just so beautiful i don't know what I'm thinking she would never go for a guy like me. Even if she would it wouldn't be fair to her I have a bad past I don't need her in it. She doesn't need my problems.

I just couldn't help it I pulled my head down to her cheek and kissed it. She didn't wake up thank god. She's just amazing. Everything about her drives me crazy her long brown hair her big brown eyes with her prefect smile.

Before I know it we where home I really didn't want to wake her up she needs the sleep.

"I'll take her in" Blake told me trying to get her bags to.

"No you get that I got her"

I picked her up bridal style careful not to wake her up. We got to the door and Blake opened it as soon as we got inside i could see most of the boys where there.

"Hey she's home"Nathan yells

"Dude shut up she's asleep" I whisper so I don't wake her up

"She looks cute when she's asleep"Chris whispers

"True" jake said

"Okay I'm going to put her In her room" I said walking away with her curled up in my arms.

I got up the stairs to her room I pulled the door open and walked over to her bed I lay her down slowly so I don't wake her up. I pull the blank over her so she won't get cool.

I didn't want to leave her in her room by herself even though she is asleep. I don't want her to hurt herself again. She's to Beautiful to be hurting herself.

You can still see the deep marks on her arms. I don't care what it takes I'm going to help her get through this.


It's short but I wanted to update For you guys

The next update won't be so long of a wait and it will be longer.

Thank you to the people who commented. I was going to delete this book but for some reason I just can't do it. So thank you guys!

Let me know what you think of this update not the best I know:(

So please comment!!!

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