My dad was right

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Alley -

"Wake up beautiful" some monster pulls the covers off my now cold body

I look up to see..... Austin


Why is he here

"Come on alley wake up"

He pulled me up tell I'm siting on my bed. But everything it moved form last night my suit case.... It's unpacked pack

What's happening

" where's my suit case" I asked slowly

"What do you mean baby" he asked as he leans closer to me. I pull back farther

"Aidan...... Where Aidan?" I ask in a hurry to get as far way form him as possible.

" baby who's Aidan?" Austin asked confused.

He moved his body close to mine. I go to back up but I'm all ready trapped between him and the head bored.

" come here baby" he came closer if that's possible.

" help" I yell scared what he will do to me.

" shhh I'm not going to hurt you" he whispers in my ear then bits it.

" no" i whisperer not don't believe him

He kisses my lips and I'm crying to let me go I think what do I do what can I do no one can hear me.

He's crazy

What do I do.

I try to move him off me. I pull my arm back but he pulls them up above my head and it hurts.

What now he sits on my legs

What a fat ass now I can't feel my legs.

I move my body trying to get my arms or legs released.

"I knew you wanted me" he tells me.

No I don't asshole let me go

" please stop" I cry but he just keeps going.

He grabbed my stomach and rubbed his hand up and down I go to scream again again but Its like I'm in a glass box or something. No one can hear me.

Blake I yell but what use is it now....

I guess my dad was right I'm a waste of space....


I wake up screaming I jump out of bed yelling and crying. Why me

Aiden came running in then Blake.

Blake ran up to me hugging me.

" you ok?" He asked

I was going to say I was fine but I heard footsteps. Then stepped in was James.

He walked past Aidan over close to me.

" I herd you screaming" he told me with worry in his eyes

" it's ok James we got this" Aidan scold at James.

" alright, alley you know where to find me if you need me" James said as he walked out my door

How can he say horrible things to me and act like where friends. I'm so lost.

I need to go home figure out my life. I miss home.

I miss my mom

I'm snapped out of my thoughts as Blake told Aidan to get the bags in his truck that we would head out a little early. I looked at the clock by my bed to see it read 4:30 am.

Blake told me to get ready to go. So I got up and toke a quick shower and put on some clothes I leave my hair down and brush my teeth.

I had a long sleeve on so I rolled the ends up a bit to see my still fresh lines. They hurt but not in a painful way but a reminder of what I have done. A reminder that my dad ways right.

He left 4 years ago.

I roll my sleeves down and exit the bathroom to see my bags gone the boys must have put them in the truck. 

I walk down to see everyone up.


Hey guys thank you so much for all your comments! I'm sorry this update is short I'm having some difficulty with this book right now. I'm just not in to it anymore. I wouldn't delete it I'll still update but you guys are going to have to be patient with me.

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