Chapter 3

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I squirm and try to escape the grasp but it's too tight. I try to scream but he puts his hand that pinned me on my mouth. BRUH! WHY DOES EVERYTHING BAD HAPPEN TO ME! My mind shouts. He wore a black hoodie, dark blue pants, and his hands were gloved with black, sharp nails visible from the gloves. My mind goes to flight-or-fight mode and I use my right leg to sweep from the legs. He trips and I make a run for it while he quickly gets back up.

My footsteps echo through the alley as I slide out to the sidewalk. The buildings that made the alley had the man confused for a moment. He didn't know where I went yet. Yet. As I predicted, no one was out in the city because of what happened today. This was an advantage to the man chasing me.

He was already coming close at me, ready to take me away. I huff and puff as my short brown hair waves everywhere. My legs start to stumble and I hit the railing of someone's home with my foot, stumbling. My green-gray eyes widen as I try to pick up the pace, and the man grabs my arm and drags me.

I shriek in the pain of him grabbing it so roughly, his sharp nails dug into my wrist. He cups his hands over my mouth as a struggle to get out of his grasp. The more I try, the tighter the grip around me gets, the less air I have to breathe. I stop moving but my breath is sharp and my eyes dart in every direction.

He starts to drag me away but I try to get back home. I won't go down without a fight. I kicked him again in the legs but this time he saw it coming. He stays in stance and digs his nails into my neck and I scream into his hand. "Stop," the voice behind me hisses. It sounded raspy and I stopped moving as my heart skipped a beat.

I was shocked he was speaking to me but still, I was about to keep fighting until he took out a cloth and soon darkness surrounded me. Before blacking out, I hear him say something. "Stupid girl." Wow, that's just rude.

---------------Time Skip---------------

I hear muffled voices but my eyes don't open. I want to sleep longer. I realize I should wake up if someone was in my house but I just didn't want to. But don't I have to feed my cat? Didn't something happen last night? Who was there when I went out? My memories come flooding back.
I sit up, gasping from remembering. I realized that I was attacked. I look around only to see my room. I'm in bed, and my cat is lying next to me. Maybe I had a bad dream. Yeah, maybe it was all a nightmare. No one would just pick to fight me out of nowhere. The chances are highly slim really. My hand stroked his gray fur and I sat up.

The question is, who was talking? Now I was really confused. I check my hands and see they have red marks and bruises on their wrists. The house looked clean and the blood was gone so I guess the guy tried to hide the evidence. Smart thing to do to hide evidence but why? Couldn't he frame me for murder or something? Why did he do this in the first place? What does he even want with me?
I get out of bed and walk around. I make it to the mini fridge and grab a croissan'wich. They are like these breakfast burgers with bacon, egg, cheese, and the croissant for buns. I put it in the microwave and see if I have anything for breakfast that my cat can eat. I step to the fridge and touch the handle, only to be stopped by the sound of growling.

I look over and see my cat. I put my hand away from the door and bring it in closer to the handle. He growls again. He might not be hungry. I walk over to the TV and turn it on. He runs up to the couch and sits down while the TV plays. The microwave beeps and I grab my food. I plop myself down on the couch next to my cat and start eating as the news starts to play. Still nothing on that boy. Maybe the cop didn't care and didn't do it.

I finish eating and keep the TV going since my cat enjoys watching it somehow. I am still confused on how he knows where things are and can see if he is blind. I grab a new pair of clothes and get to the bathroom to take a shower. Whenever I'm stressed or don't know what to do or need something figured out, showering always helps clear my mind and helps me think.

I turn on the water and grab towels from the closet behind me. I open a few drawers and grab my hairbrush and hair dryer. Taking one last look, I poke my head out to see what my cat was doing. He was laying on the couch, still staring at the screen. He is really starting to freak me out.

---------------Time Skip---------------

I got my new clothes on. I put on a blue shirt, black leggings, and fluffy red socks. I started to dry my hair and I feel a little relaxed after that. I turn on the hair dryer and start fluffing my hair. It's chin length so I enjoy making it fluffy. I am lost in thought when I burn my ears from keeping the dryer on the spot for too long. I jump a bit but return to finish drying my hair.
I finish up and open the door to exit the bathroom. I get my dirty clothes and put them in the laundry hamper in my room. I sit down at my desk and try to remember what the guy looked like. The mask came into view in my mind and my heart sped up. If it was real, could he come back and try to attack me again?

The experience scared me half to death. I grab out paper and a pencil from the drawer and start sketching out the drawing. My cat jumps onto my lap as I draw the guy. I finish up the base of the body and work on other details like the hood on his head and the brown hair. I didn't know why I drew him, I just needed to get a good memory I guess. The problem was that even if I told the cops and showed them the picture, they wouldn't believe me.

From what it felt like, he was pretty strong so my guess isn't that he was skinny but still had muscle. I start on the mask and grab out a black and blue colored pencil. I finish the mask design and start coloring the whole thing. I wasn't good at drawing things in real life but I made things look somewhat cartoony.

That's when it hit me. He had no eyes, like my cat. I freeze where I am and my heart is pounding. My cat rubs against me but I still don't move. I'm scared completely out of my mind. My mind had to be playing tricks on me. There was no way a person could be a cat. It is impossible, right?
My breaths sharpen and I get up. He jumps off and I stagger backwards. I'm understanding what the nurse had said now and I regret my decision. I hit the wall behind me and brace for death.

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