Chapter 12

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    The car then stops after almost hitting the merry-go-round. Oh thank goodness! It would have been a disaster if the merry-go-round broke!
I noticed the car was a copper colored truck and the wheels were sort of big. The headlights were very bright so they would have seen us if they intended on hitting us. There is yelling coming from the car and Masky runs up to them and pounds on the door.

    “GUYS!” He screams at them. “WHAT THE HECK WERE YOU THINKING! YOU COULD HAVE KILLED US!” The door opens and a tired looking man with a ski mask and yellow hoodie comes out. This was presumably Hoodie. 

    “Toby *Weeze* wouldn’t stop grabbing the *Weeze* wheel and pushing the petal. He said it was *Weeze* better to do this fast so we could get home faster,” Hoodie said. His voice was a little demented and muffled from the mask. We all step out from the tree's shade. 

    The passenger door bursts open and a boy with brown hair, a black mouthguard, striped brown and blue sweater, blue pants, and yellow-orange tinted goggles comes running up to me and the others. As he tries, Masky grabs onto his sweater hood and drags him back.

    “YOU NEARLY KILLED BRIAN!” He scolded Toby. Toby was twitching a lot and fiddling with his hands. This was their problem but Toby was just a kid. I didn’t think Toby would like to be yelled at.

    “Look, at least they are here Masky,” I say walking to them. “Toby was just excited and wanted to get it over with. Just… take a check on Hoodie. He might be nauseous.” Masky sighs and lets go of Toby. He walks to Hoodie to check if his friend is ok. Toby gets up and runs to me. 

    “Hi-i! I’m T-T-T- *Tick* Toby!” I extend my hand to have him shake it. He takes it and shakes it while twitching. I smiled at him kindly.

    “I’m Tori,” I say greated to his goofiness. He lets go of my hand and his mouthguard rises, meaning he is smiling. Jack and Jeff walk over to us and wave.

    “Hey Toby,” Jeff greets him. Toby waves and makes ticking noises. Masky and Hoodie walk up to us and I smile at Hoodie.

    “I’m Hoodie,” He says to me. He shakes my hand and lets go soon after. “I know who you are. Anyway, here let's get into the car.” the others get into the truck and I come bounding over. Toby was about to sit in the front until Masky stopped him.

    “Oh no you don’t,” Masky hissed at Toby. “I don’t need us getting into a car wreck because of you!” Toby looked a little hurt from what he said. I walk over to him and open the back passenger seat doors. I walk in and let Toby sit next to me.

    Masky is in the driver's seat and Hoodie is in the passenger seat next to him. There were only three seats in the back and Jeff wasn’t in the car yet. This meant he might have to sit in the cargo bed.

    “DIBS ON CARGO BED!” I say. I always wanted to sit there and I always imagined it to be fun. Toby was excited now.

    “M-ME T-TO! I’LL *Tick* GO TO T-THE CARG-GO BED!” Toby and I run out of the truck and go into the cargo bed of the truck. There were a few boxes so I sat myself down against it as Toby does the same across from me. Jeff sighs in relief as he jumps into the back seats. Jack looks back and smiles as I smile back at him. I set my bag in the cargo bed.

    “Okay, let's hit the road. If we go at a regular speed we should be in the forest at about six-thirty,” Masky says. “Still early enough to get my work done.” Toby then gets up to stand.

    “If w-w-we go f-faster we *Tick* could get-t t-there early and *Tick* there w-will be more *Tick* time-e to finish and r-relax!” Toby said. I look at him in fear. He does realize that if they went fast we could get arrested from going over the speed limit or if we took a sharp turn we would go flying.

    “I don’t think that a good idea if we are back here Toby,” I tell him. He turns to me and he takes off his mouthguard. It revealed a scar on his cheek, making his teeth and mouth visible. 

    “Nonsense! I-I *Tick* belie-eve it-it’s safe!” Toby cried in joy. Masky took some time thinking about what he was going to do. Oh please, gosh no!

    “Okay,” Masky said. Before I could get up and go to the backseats of the car, Masky started driving.

    “WHAT!” everyone but Masky and Toby said. I’m going to die. I never got to play just dance in so long.

    “If Toby gets flung out of the car, then I’ll just say he died from natural causes, and my life will be easier,” Masky said. They start speeding out and I grab onto Toby and squeeze him. I let go after a bit of going straight and opened the back door while the car was going.

    “I am not going to be in the cargo bed if this happens!” I say. I put my foot on the part of the car above the wheel and grip the door. I swing my body in the car and sit down.

    “Okay M-Masky, Y-you *Tick* can stop n-now,” Toby said. Only Masky kept on going fast. “Masky? MASKY!” Masky started laughing and so did everyone else. I opened the door and held out my hand for Toby to grab.
He does the same thing I did but almost slips from ticking. He gets in and Masky starts to slow down. I let Toby sit in one of the seats while I curl up into a ball on the floor with my knees to my chest. Masky speeds up again, probably thinking about what Toby said before about going home early. Hoodie already looked passed out while Jeff and Jack started nodding off. I start to fall asleep as well and sigh.

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