Chapter 29

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    I woke up in a jolt of shock and was also covered in tons of blood. My blood! I was lying in a hospital bed and hooked up to those heart rate machines. I was starting to freak out and ask questions. Who brought me here? I need to get back to EJ, but how? Where's the doctor around here? I sat up and saw there were two nurses in the room with me. The first one had light brown hair put in a ponytail and green eyes with a normal uniform while the other one had dark brown long hair with glasses.

    "Sir! She is awake! Someone get Doctor Finnigan!" The nurse with the light brown hair said in joy. She stayed while the other nurse ran off to get whoever this "Doctor Finnigan" was. 

    "How long have I been out?" I asked the nurse.

    "Five days I'm afraid," she replied with sorrow in her tone. "You don't sound like you're from Wisconsin, where are you from?"

    "Georgia ma'am."

    "What are you doing all the way out here then?"

    "I was visiting a friend." Just then the nurse that ran out came back with a man who I guessed was Doctor Finnigan. He had black hair and blue eyes with a white uniform.

    "I see you're awake. Now, can you remember anything ma'am? What is your name?" He asked me.

    "Victoria Rose ….. and I remember everything perfectly fine. I need to leave though."

    "We need you to sign some papers before you leave though." I nodded as he walked out with the nurse with dark brown hair. A little while later they came back and handed me stapled papers and a pen. I sighed and started to read and sign what was needed. It took about ten minutes before they let me go but when they did they gave me the clothes I wore before I was knocked out. I thanked them and started to head out. I looked outside and saw it was around twelve or so since the sun was in the middle of the sky. 

    Let me think. I need a plan before I go back because they don't trust me right now. Heck, they probably blame me right now for everything. I have to make things right. I felt some weight in my pocket so I reached in and pulled out a paper and pencil. Thank the lord! I can't do anything to 'make' them trust me so I need them to trust me by giving them Zalgo's plan.

    I was in the street and I pulled out my phone, trying to get directions. It was fully charged and I went to Google to check where I was at. It showed I was in a place called Springstead. It was close to Nicolet National Forest so I could make it. Unless I used the paper to teleport to the place. I would need to be armed. There was a gas station nearby so I would go to the restroom and use it. It was a few minutes until I got in so I walked to the station and went to the restroom. 

    I scribbled away with what I was going to need. And man oh man, Zalgo is going to be begging for his non-existent mother to comfort him once I'm finished with him. Heck, he probably won't live to see another day. I wrote down what I needed and got ready to go to the forest. The thing was I probably should use a Taxi or something in order to get there since I don't know what could happen if I did.

            ---------------Time Skip---------------

    I made it to the middle of the forest and was ready. I chose to have nerf guns with the foam bullets as my weapons. I know, stupid idea since everyone has either a real gun, or a knife. I wanted to come across the proxies as able to be trusted. And man, that ride here made my stomach feel worse. I got up from the grassy ground and looked around the line of trees.

    "Y-You… ho-ow c-could you come b-b-back *Tick* here… a-after every *Tick* th-th-thing you d-did to u-us…" A voice said. It was Toby, and he sounded enraged. I turned to him and held up my nerf gun, aiming at him. This one shot up to eighty feet away and it shot five bullets every two seconds. 

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