Chapter 4

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I brace myself for the pain and death. But it never comes. I look down to see the cat just sitting at my feet. I get out of the way and close the curtains. I want to know if my hunch is real or just a coincidence.

"Who are you really?" I said to him, "Why are you here and doing this?" He stared at me, and stood up. He started to scratch at his wrist and I noticed a small black chain bracelet I never saw on him before. Cautiously, I walk to him and take the bracelet off. He turns around and starts growing.
Before I knew it, his ears and tail were gone. His form becomes more humanoide and I can see the black sweater and dark blue pants. His hood is off so I can see his messy, short brown hair. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out his mask to put it on. He turns around and I'm shaking faster than before.

He chuckles at the sight and walks to me. Instinctively I back up to the wall my desk is. He pats my head and sits on the edge of my bed. The heck?!? Is he trying to taunt me? Or mess with me before he kills me?

"Will you an-answer m-my ques-stions now?" I ask, stuttering from fear. He stares at me for a second then nodes his head. I can't believe he was my cat. How?

"I'm Jack, Eyeless Jack but my friends call me EJ," He said. His voice was raspy and dark. "I was taken in by you, remember? So I get to mess with you all I want." I flinched at his answer. What did he mean by, 'mess with me'?

I clear my throat and try to relax. Just think about something nice. My mind thought of Jack as a cat. He was nice to me and I enjoyed his company. STOP! He is trying to kill you, remember!

"I'm... Tori," I say. I'm a little more confident, but still shy and afraid. I stare at him for a long moment before he gestures to me to sit next to him. I pause, not wanting to but he makes a deep growling noise like a wild animal so I give in.

I walk over, still stumbling and shaking. Jack seems to be amused by this. I sit down beside him and he starts to pet my head, like an animal. It's weird for me to think about him being an animal when he is human. Well he might not be human.

I fidget with my hands and wait for what he has to say. He remains silent as I continue to fidget with my hands. "Sooooo, Jack... what do you plan to do to me?" I said. He looks at me, well just turns his head to be exact.

"I said my friends call me EJ," He grumbled. "Well, I'm not sure yet. Maybe you can help cover up my crimes? No. Maybe I can just torment you for the fun of it? I like that one." He pulls up his mask enough for me to see his sharp, toothy grin. His teeth looked like sharks, and his skin was ashy gray. I was shocked by the sudden appearance of him not being human. I stay strong and try to seem tough.

"It's not like we are friends," I hissed at him. "And I would like you to leave. You don't scare me." I stand up, glaring. This only pushed him to his limits. He gets up and walks to me menacingly.

"I'd watch my tongue if I were you." He hissed like a viper when he spoke. He degloved his hands to show sharp claws and gray skin. I tried to stand my ground, but fear got the best of me and I edged to the wall. He walked to me and put his hand on the wall, right next to my head.

"Now, why aren't I your friend? You took care of me, I would think you actually cared for me," He said, getting closer. His masked face ways inches away from mine, and I could feel his dark glare. In response, I flinched my leg that I used to hit him in the alleyway. He saw and jumped.
Laughing, I put my hand over my mouth to muffle it. It seemed his glare deepened but then he stopped like he stared at me normally. A smile formed on his mouth.

"See, I told you that we were friends," Jack said.

"Yeah, friends are supposed to hurt each other," I replied to him sarcastically. I sighed and fell onto my bed and stared at the ceiling. "Do you need me to get you anything? Food? Water?"

He seemed happier with what I said. "Nope, I got my own food. That tuna wasn't good at all." I chuckled at his response. He walked off into the living room. It took me a while to get up and once I did I ran to see what he was doing.

He had a duffle bag that had a few jars in it. There was some red stuff in it but I couldn't see it well. I was near-sighted since I played a lot of video games when I was younger.
He opened up the bag and my blood ran cold. He took out a jar with a kidney in it. I felt like throwing up, of course. I froze and looked at him. He noticed me and slowly put it back in the bag. I just turn away and shut my door to my room.

I can hear footsteps coming close to the door. I plopped myself on my bed and curled up into a ball with my knees to my chest. Jack opened the door and I just shook even more.

"Is that what you're going to do with me once you finish 'Messing with me'?" I ask him, still in shock. He puts his arm to his neck and scratches it.

"Well... I'm supposed to but, I can make an exception," Jack says. He seems confused about the situation. I don't feel better about this. What did he mean he was 'supposed to' and why is he making a so-called, 'exception?' I am way more confused than I was before but I fear asking questions is going to make things worse.

"Do you only eat kidneys or do you eat human food?" I ask. I don't need him killing anyone here and then I get blamed since he didn't kill me. Although, if the Landlord suddenly disappeared, no rent. I always wondered what he did with his money. Probably stuff himself with all kinds of good food.

"I can't eat human food. My stomach can't take it so I just eat people. Anything is fine, you know. Liver, heart, lungs, brain, anything juicy," He said to me. I felt like vomiting even more but I just kept calm. I mean, back in seventh grade we learned about the human body. It's just vital organs that we need to survive with. No big deal (Big Sarcasm).

Jack comes over and sits next to me. I'm thinking about how there are going to be many conversations like this. He puts his arm around me and grins with the mask revealing his mouth.

"I promise, I won't eat you," he said before pausing. "On one condition though, you can't tell anyone about me, then, I'll be more than happy to feast on you my dear angel."
I gulped in fear the thought of this was getting me worried. My life was technically just starting and I still needed to finish college. I just need to keep my mouth shut I guess. I nodded, understanding what was needed and Jack patted me on the back.

"Good, now I'm going to eat," he said, getting up and leaving. I was deep in thought and now I was worrying. Was he going to let me continue college because I need this and all that money I earned would be for nothing. What about my friends? They come to visit me every weekend and we hang out.
If they see Jack, no doubt, they won't survive the encounter. I am going to have to tell Jack. They usually come at about ten-thirty in the morning and we hang out. It's mainly just Georgia, Rachel, Avery, Saddie, and Cadence who come over. They all have been my friends since sixth grade or seventh grade.

How am I going to do this? I'm supposed to be the best at solving problems. I wanted to be a therapist when I was younger to help people with their problems. Did I bite off more than I could chew? I can't help myself even if I try. Will I ever get through this? Or will I be stuck like this forever?

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