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the streets outside the council house were already packed with people, despite it being the early hours of morning. merchants and customers were scattered from place to place, inspecting the very items every stall served.
from glistening jewellery to the most fluffiest pastries being sold, all sellers shouted enthusiastically to attract buyers from every corner.
crunchy chip cookie was slightly overwhelmed, losing his balance as he wasn't used to seeing so much cookies in one space. wildberry catches him, putting him back on his feet and still was looking around.
'gee, this place is already packed with people..! it's so early in the morning, too...'
crunchy chip dusts himself off to act as if he was not afraid of the heavily populated area, yet still jumps when wildberry taps him on the shoulder.
'gyah! what do you think you're doing?!'

wildberry points at a small space inbetween two small stalls, which was also the perfect space to take a break. crunchy chip sighs quietly in relief, running towards the space.
wildberry sighs at him, trying to push past the hoarde of cookies.
crunchy chip was already there, waving vigorously at wildberry.

'dear me, crunchy chip. you're a small cookie with a lot of energy.' he says, sitting down on an empty crate. crunchy chip cookie laughs, folding his arms whilst trying to make eye contact with wildberry.
'well, maybe you're just a big cookie with no energy! hahaha!' it wasn't really funny, but the smaller cookie seemed to make himself laugh. wildberry didn't want to break that image, but lifts his head back up. crunchy chip turns around, not realising how close he was to wildberry. his scarlet-red eyes carelessly looking at him. it looked empty, but somewhere in the depth of those eyes contained a certain feeling. an odd feeling.

'woah there, man.' crunchy chip takes a step backwards, inhaling sharply to cover up his reddening cheeks. 'we've only just met an hour ago... hah.'
wildberry straightens his back, snapping back to reality.
'sorry, did you say something?' he asks. crunchy chip cookie feels his cheeks heat up even more.
'u-uhm. it's nothing, sorry. didn't realise you were just daydreaming.' he rubs his snow white hair, looking back at the wave of crowds to get him busy and in track again.
'anyways, let's just observe for the meantime.'

a few more hours came to pass. there was even more people in the streets, and the air became warmer.
crunchy chip yawns, cross-legged on the floor whilst squinting. wildberry is stood still and upright, making some of the children being dragged by their mothers point him out in amusement.
considering the pair seemed to stand out in a marketplace full of seaweed cookies, it made them look like some weird foreigners lost in their journey.
the small cookie groans out and leans backwards, clearly trying to grab the other's attention.
'god, i'm so bored... i thought this mission was going to be way more exciting!' he shuts an eye, seeing that the two were actually making eye contact.
'how long were you staring at me for?'
'since you started complaining like a child.'

what's up with this guy? he definitely looks like a hollyberrian, but certainly doesn't act like one..

wildberry pulls a strange look, seeming as if he thought of something.
'it's no matter. we could walk around the entire place and have a look for some things.'
crunchy chip gets up, excitement building up like a dog.
'why not.'
'i-i mean, yeah. why not?' he coughs, following the pink haired soldier.

now that he thought about it, crunchy chip realised how much stuff was in these stalls and how good they looked. the thing is, he was pulled on edge to endure it and resist temptation to try every type of food available.
'rrggkh.' he growls under his breath. 'i shouldn't have agreed to this.'
he was surrounded by the scent of freshly baked cakes and breads, feeling like it was a trap that couldn't be avoided.
'wildberry, i don't see any of those damn masked cookies being here. wildb-'
something caught the glint of his eye.
the sight of a small dog, barking in a lively sense. without hesitation, he rushes to see it, forgetting about why he needed wildberry.
'for sale! children's toys sold in a discount!'
crunchy chip daren't to go too close to the merchant, afraid of being caught sneaking.
the merchant sees him, greeting him with a welcoming smile.
'good morning sire! it looks like you're not from around here. how about i offer you one of these little dogs as a souvenier? look how cute they are!' the merchant picks up the abstract dog, startling crunchy chip. that wasn't the way you should hold a dog..
'oh- uh, tha--'
crunchy chip is cut off by a deep voice from behind him, making him flinch softly. refusing to turn around, he prepares his blade. did the masked cookies already find him? he snaps back, standing in a position to boost his attack.

'ah. there you are.'
wildberry cookie was holding two white bags, damp and steaming for some reason.
'don't disappear like that again. you know how difficult it is to find you?'
slightly offended, crunchy chip hovers his head.
'it looks like i'll have to start endurance training all over again.' he mutters. taking a small step, he feels something large and warm take his hand.
wildberry holds it hastily, pulling him upwards and carrying him onto his shoulder.
'whilst we're walking on the way back, you can check if anything seems off around us.'
crunchy chip gasps out from the sudden gesture, but does not argue back, despite being slightly irritated.

there definitely is something up with this guy.

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