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silence first hits the atmosphere in the room, but then tension suddenly overfills the spacious room.
wildberry gets up, almost immediately, but does not get up aggressively for the sake of his impression with his highness.
all he does is bows at her, noiselessly, before speedily heading towards the panting guards that awaited for him by the pair of abstract doors.
footsteps descended away from the hallways, leaving hollyberry to her own accompaniment. sighing, she chuckles to her own self.
'oh, wildberry.' she glares at a glass frame, which contained a small photo of a small, humble wildberry during his childhood.
'who knew a cookie like you could be so in love?'

heavy footsteps surround the silenced tension between wildberry and the two soldiers.
'bring me to him. quickly.' his tone was mixed with worry and possibly a hint of rage.
'yes, sir.' the republic guards bow their heads in synchronization, as they begin to approach the dorm in which crunchy chip was placed in.
doors slamming open completely startles the cookie inside, seen to be sprawled out and lying helplessly on the floor. wildberry's expression softens, keeping his eyes locked on the other below him.
crunchy chip looked way too vulnerable in this position; what did he do to end up like this..? it can't be that he had done the same thing as before.. and something 'bad' would happen; for the second time. he kneels down and inspects the incident.
'we need privacy.' wildberry commands, not even looking back at the guards behind him.
the doors slowly shut, hearing descending footsteps; now leaving the pair alone. again.

crunchy chip was flushed red and his golden eyes flickered at wildberry. his shallow breaths lightly hits wildberry's cheek, in which he does not react.
'crunchy chip.'
the figure on the floor shivers as he hears his name being called.
'crunchy chip.'
the fur-covered cookie keeps quiet, but sits up from the cold marble floor.
wildberry tilts his head, waiting for a response.
finally, crunchy chip gives in, scoffing childishly.
'okay, fine. maybe i just wanted to see you again on our off day.
you always seem to look out for me, and you always put me first whenever you think there's something up with me.' he fidgets with the claw encased into his forearm.
'the thing is, wildberry, you're the first person to treat me in a way that makes me feel different to everyone. and i can't value to leave you.'
he takes a look back up to see if there was any reaction. wildberry's face still looked the same.
'i get it, that was cheesy--'
a pair of arms wrap around crunchy chip, a large blanket of warmth hitting his face.
it tightens slightly, but it felt... necessary.
'thank you. crunchy chip.'
it was a simple sentence, but it was enough to almost move crunchy chip into tears. he settles into the hug, before looking back up and giving the larger cookie a kiss on the lips out of sheer comfort.
the pair engaged in their tastes, staring at each other under racing hearts.

'i don't want this to end, if i'm being honest.'

'me too.'

what's up, readers! writer here again,, sorry for disappearing for a solid 2 or so months. i've completely lost track of this book's plot...
i'm not really sure what to add after this chapter, but i'll try my best! also a big thanks for all the support i've recieved overtime; i didn't really expect this book to become relatively popular!

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