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crunchy chip sighs out loudly, after listening to the following conversation between his new colleague, wildberry cookie, and his majesty; dark cacao cookie.
he knew that he would be questioned about what happened between him and the tall bright cookie, but he had to stay calm for now, since he didn't want to be exposed for the most embarrassing reason.
'oh god. how the hell am i going to explain myself.' he says to himself, gripping tighter into his fur garment decorating his thighs.
'rumours will start spreading about me if i'm not careful...'
he shakes his fist frustratedly in the air, face now burning a fiery red.
'what the hell even brought me to wanting to fuck him?' that question completely clouded his mind, becoming hazy and silent.
his eyes bounce around the room in concentration, and spots a familiar paper bag placed besides the mirror that accented the entire chamber's far wall.
he doesn't remember placing it there, and slowly yet gingerly approaches it with his built-in arm blade.
the scent from which it came from was irresistibly sweet, yet the kind of irresistibly sweet that was dangerous to encounter.
he hesitates before opening the neatly rolled bag, but then loud rustling surrounds the room.
a sweet, half-cut pie greeted itself brightly on the palms of crunchy-chip, who glanced at it menacingly.
no note was left within it, and now it seemed incredibly suspicious.
it looked like the exact same pie that he gave into only hours before performing an unruly act with wildberry cookie; making him freeze in slight terror.

that was close. he thought to himself. i can't let myself become reckless again. crunchy chip looks away from the pie, making it seem all so dramatic, and tries to place it neatly back into the bag like it was first found.
the sweet pastry tickles his nose again, making him peep out into the bag. the temptation of eating it juggled his senses, now beginning to get second thoughts. the voice in his mind urged him to get it, making his blood told cold and adrenaline begins to punch furiously into his veins.
alas, he gives in for the second time and reaches out to help himself.
'mm.... maybe just a small bite won't hurt like before.' he mutters whilst laughing to himself, grabbing the slice and shoving it into his mouth without any remorse.

'consumptives were drugged with... aphrodisiacs... within specifically sweets.. in the town's market.'

as soon as crunchy chip was enjoying his food and chewing in delight, he hears dark cacao's voice play in the back of his head.
he abruptly stops chewing, now looking down to see if at least any note was left with the bag.
that leftover pie was definitely drugged, too.



wildberry greets his leader, hollyberry cookie, with an attentive salute.
hollyberry cookie frantically waves her hands, bashful.
'oh, don't always be coming into the room so formally. it makes me feel old.' she titters, followed by her fabled chuckle.
'now, my beloved wildberry, what brings you here at this time of day?'
wildberry's grip tensed into his steel gauntlet. 'well, your ma--'
'ooh, wait, let me guess. you want to talk about that little guy from the dark cacao nation, don't you?' she cuts him off with her bellowing voice, laughing again.
wildberry is mildly surprised by her educated guess that was correct.
'y...yes, your highness.'
hollyberry furrows an eyebrow.
'if this is about your relationship or whatever to him, tell me everything about it.' she turns over her chair completely to face wildberry, battering her eyelashes in sheer curiousity.
wildberry is suddenly squashed by an anvil of peer pressure.
'it's rather complicated for me to explain, your highness. we're only temporary colleagues, but we--'

an urgent knock on the door is instantly opened, revealing two tensed guards of the council.
'i apologise for your disturbance, your greatness. however, we are in urgent need for your soldier, wildberry, as a cookie, named crunchy chip is calling needfully for him.'

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